Suresh D. Pillai
Professor & Texas A&M AgriLife Research Faculty Fellow
Molecular Food Safety & Environmental Microbiology Program
Associate Department Head-Graduate Program, Dept of Food Science & Technology
Director, National Center for Electron Beam Research
Texas A&M University
Tel: 979.458.3229
1989 Ph.D. Microbiology and Immunology, University of Arizona, Tucson.
1985 M.Sc. Industrial Microbiology, University of Madras, India.
1983 B.Sc. Botany, University of Madras, India.
2022-present Associate Department Head for Graduate Programs-Department of Food Science & Technology, Texas A&M University
2004-present Professor and Texas A&M AgriLife Research Fellow, Texas A&M University & Director, National Center for Electron Beam Research, Texas A&M University.
Member, Graduate Faculties of Food Science & Technology, Poultry Science, Biotechnology, Veterinary Pathobiology, Toxicology, Soil & Crop Sciences, and Water Program, Texas A&M University
2014-2018 Appointed Member, (Special Government Employee) Science Advisory Board, FDA Center for Toxicological Research
2004-2010 Chair, Graduate Interdisciplinary Faculty of Biotechnology Texas A&M University
2004-2010 Director, Professional Program in Biotechnology, Texas A&M University
2000-2005 Assoc. Director, Institute of Food Science & Engineering, Texas A&M University
2000-2004 Associate Professor & TAES Faculty Fellow, Texas A&M University
1998-1999 Associate Professor, Texas A&M Univ. Research Center, at El Paso, Texas
1992- 1998 Assistant Professor, Texas A&M Univ. Research Center at El Paso, Texas
1992 -1999 Member, Graduate Faculties of Biology, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico
1992-1999 Member, Graduate Faculty of Biology, University of Texas at El Paso, Texas
1991-1992 Research Scientist - Accelerated Products Development Program, Naval Medical Research Institute, Bethesda, MD.
1991-1992 Research Assistant Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, MD.
1989-1991 Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Soil & Water Science, University of Arizona, Tucson.
1986-1989 Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, University of Arizona, Tucson.
2024 Appointed by Texas Governor G. Abbot to Texas Radiation Advisory Board
2024 Fellow, Institute of Food Technologists (IFT)
2022 Senior Faculty Fellow -Texas A&M AgriLife Research
2021-2023 Distinguished Lecturer – American Society for Microbiology
2018 Honorary Doctorate – Universidad Nacional del Altiplano-Peru
2017 TED talk at TEDx-TAMU (Are microbes responsible for criminal behavior?)
2016 Co-Chair, FDA, NCTR Systems Biology Group Review Team. November
2016-present Member, Advisory Council –Foundation for Food & Agricultural Research
2016-present Section Lecturer, Institute of Food Technologists (IFT)
2015 President’s Travel Award, Society for Applied Microbiology (SFAM)
2014-2018 Member, FDA Science Advisory Board. National Center for Toxicology Research
2012 Society for Applied Microbiology (SFAM)- President’s Travel Award
2011 Elected Fellow, International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses
2010-present Member, Committee on Env. Microbiology, Am. Society for Microbiology
2010-present Member, Science Advisory Board, BCR Environmental, Jacksonville, FL
2008 Society for Applied Microbiology (SFAM)- President’s Travel Award
2007-2010 Institute of Food Technologists (IFT)- Distinguished Lecturer
2007 State of Texas Environmental Excellence Award (Team-member)
2006-2011 Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Dept. Homeland Security Center for Advanced Microbial Risk Assessment, (CAMRA)
2006-present Expert Panel Member, Govt. Accountability Office (GAO), Washington, DC.
2004-2010 Elected Member, Council of Principal Investigators, Texas A&M University
2003-2007 Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Warnex, Inc.
2002 TAES Faculty Fellow, Agriculture Program, Texas A&M University
2001 Appointed Member, National Academy of Science/National Research Council Committee on Toxicants and Pathogens in Biosolids.
2001 Nominee, Texas A&M University Faculty Fellows Program
2000 Member, Faculty Senate, Texas A&M University
1988 Graduate Tuition Scholarship, University of Arizona, Tucson.
1986 Graduate Academic Scholarship, University of Arizona, Tucson.
1988 University of Arizona Foundation Award as a Graduate Teaching Assistant
1986-1989 Kate C. Lewis Academic Scholarship, University of Arizona, Tucson.
2025 Invited Speaker – IAEA Third International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology (ICARST) April, Vienna, Austria
2025 Subject Matter Expert. IAEA Radiation Safety Standards for Gamma/eBeam/X-ray facilities. Vienna, Austria. January.
2024 Invited Speaker – DOD (SERDP-ESTCP-OECIF-OEPF) Energy Environment Innovation Symposium, Washington DC. December
2024 Member, Organizing Committee, Cambodia National Awareness Seminar on multipurpose eBeam/X-ray facility, Cambodia. Phnom Penh, December
2024 Member, Organizing Committee, Vietnam NNSA-ORS Hands-on Regional Workshop on eBeam Applications. Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam. December
2024 Invited Speaker, International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP). Costa Rica. October
2024 Subject Matter Expert. US Government Delegation for China-US Working Group V Annual Meeting on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Technology Working Group. Beijing, China. October.
2024 Invited Scientific Forum Speaker, IAEA Atoms4Food-Vienna, Austria. September
2024 Invited Speaker, US Dept of State, Sustained Dialogue on Peaceful Uses Workship on Food Safety and Security in Latin America. Asuncion, Paraguay. July
2024 Invited Speaker for Erasmus+ Program with Poland. Warsaw. June
2024 Subject Matter Expert for Becton Dickinson. Nogales, Mexico May
2024 Member Organizing Committee, IAEA Symposium on Food Safety and Control May, 2024, Vienna, Austria
2024 Subject Matter Expert. US Government Delegation, for US-India Joint Working Group Meeting with Global Centre for Nuclear Energy Partnership. Mumbai, India. March
2024 Member Organizing Committee, IAEA Regional Meeting of high-level representatives on the Adoption of Electron Beam and X-Ray technologies for Sustainable Socio-Economic Advancement in Africa February
2024 Invited Speaker, Plant and Animal Genome Conference-PAG 31. San Diego, January
2024 Subject Matter Expert. US Government Delegation to Nepal for eBeam/X-ray technology pre-feasibility study visit. January
2023 Invited Speaker, Institute of Food Technologists IFTFirst panel “What major steps could lead to earning consumers trust of novel food-related technologies and how do we address it for a way forward? Chicago, July
2022 Scientific Exchange under Erasmus Program with Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw, Poland, May
2019-present; Subject Matter Expert to the National Nuclear Security Administration-Office of Radiological Security
2020 Member, External Review Team- Microbiology Section, National Center for Toxicological Research, Jefferson, AK.
2018 Co-Chair. Department of Energy Basic Research Needs Workshop on compact accelerators for security and medicine
2018 Invited Speaker, 14th Arab Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy. Sharm El-Sheikh. Egypt. December
2018 Invited Speaker, International Conference on Biotechnological Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development. Hyderabad, India. November
2018 Technical Expert, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) meetings on organic pollutant remediation by ionizing radiation. Suzhou, China, October
2018 Scientific Exchange under Erasmus Program with Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw, Poland, July
2018 Panel Member, IAEA Coordinated Research Group Meeting on Biohazards. Vienna, Austria, June
2018 Invited Speaker, Electron beam treatment of wastewater and biosolids: current state of the science. Electron Beam Workshop at Fermi National Laboratory, Batavia, IL. May
2017 Session Chair, Panel discussion on radiation sources and facilities. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Conference of Radiation Science and Technology. Vienna, Austria. April
2016 Consultant, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) International Conference of Radiation Science and Technology. Vienna, Austria, November
2016 Invited Participant, IAEA Technical meeting on radiation technologies for degradation of contaminants of emerging concern, Budapest, Hungary, August
2016 Member, Organizing Sub-Committee, International Meeting on Radiation Processing, August
2016 Panel Member, Texas Water Roundtable Capitol Issue Series, May.
2016 IAEA Technical Expert to the Sri Lanka to advise Sri Lankan government about irradiation technologies, Colombo, Sri Lanka, March
2016 Team member, Yucatan initiative, Texas A&M University, Merida, Mexico, January
2015 Session Chair, Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry, Balatonalmadi, Hungary, Aug
2015 Working Group Chair, US Dept. of Energy Workshop on Energy and Environmental Applications of Accelerators. Argonne National Laboratory. Chicago, June
2015 Session Organizer, Food Packaging to Ensure Quality and Safety of Foods Symposium, IAFP's 11th European Symposium on Food Safety, Cardiff, Wales. April
2014 Session Chair, International Symposium on food safety and quality: applications of nuclear and related technologies. Vienna, Austria. November
2014 Member, Scientific Organizing Committee, IAEA Symposium on Food Safety and Quality. Vienna, Austria, November
2014 Member, Scientific Organizing Committee, 10th European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering and 6thInternational Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses. Lille, France, September
2014 Invited Participant, IAEA Technical meeting on guidelines and protocols for decontamination of biohazard agents in emergency cases, Vienna, Austria, August
2014 Invited Participant, IAEA Technical meeting on deployment of green radiation technology for environmental remediation, Vienna, Austria June
2014 Invited Speaker, IAEA conference on development of new applications of machine generated food irradiation technologies, Vienna, Austria. May
2014 Scientific Expert mission to Romania on behalf of IAEA regarding electron beam technologies for commercial applications, Bucharest, Romania
2013 Plenary Speaker, IAEA Scientific Forum “The Blue Planet-Nuclear Applications for a Sustainable Marine Environment”. Vienna, Austria. September
2013 Member, Sub-Committee, Science Advisory Board, FDA-NCTR Division of Microbiology, Jefferson, Arkansas, July
2013 Invited Participant, IAEA Technical meeting on Radiation processed materials in products from polymers for agricultural applications, Vienna, Austria, July
2013 Invited Participant, IAEA technical meeting on “Radiation Treatment of Pollutants, Wastewater and Sludges “. Vienna, Austria, March
2013 Member, IAEA Coordinated Research Project team on “Application of Radiation Technology in Development of Advanced Packaging Materials for Food Products” Vienna, Austria, April
2012 Scientific Expert mission to China on behalf of IAEA regarding food irradiation technologies, Beijing, China, December
2012 Member, IAEA Coordinated Research Project team, “Radiation treatment of organic pollutants in wastewater. Jeongup, S. Korea. October.
2012 Plenary Speaker, IAEA Scientific Forum “Food for the Future”, Vienna, Austria. September
2011 Member, International Evaluation Committee Obihiro University of Agriculture & Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro, Japan. January
2011 Invited Speaker and Panel Member, Consumer Goods Forum, Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). London, UK. February
2011 Meeting Co-Chair, IAEA Coordinated Research Group Meeting on development of generic doses for phytosanitary applications. College Station, TX April
2010 Meeting Chair, IAEA Coordinated Research Group Meeting on the use of food irradiation for immuno-compromised patients. Vienna, Austria. August
2009 Chair, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Expert Panel on the use of food irradiation for immuno-compromised patients. Vienna, Austria. November
2009 Member, External Advisory Board, Department of Homeland Security Center for Advanced Microbial Risk Assessment (CAMRA), Philadelphia, April
2009 Member, Government Accountability Office (GAO) Expert Panel on risks posed by BSL-3 and BSL-4 laboratories in the United States, Washington DC, March
2008 Member, International Review Committee, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro, Japan, January
2007- Member International Advisory Committee, Kalasalingam University, India
2007 Member, International Organizing Committee, New Horizons in Biotechnology Conference NHBT-2007, Trivandrum, India, November.
2007 Member, International Scientific Committee, International Food Irradiation Conferences, New Delhi and Hyderabad, India, February
2006 Chair, International Association of Food Protection (IAFP) Professional Development Group on Fruits and Vegetables. (August, 2006- July 2008)
2006 Member, International Organizing Committee, 2nd International Congress on Bioprocessing in Food Industries, Patras, Greece. June
2006 Invited Participant, USEPA Candidate Contaminant List Workshop, Washington DC. June
2006 Invited Participant, USEPA Workshop on Large Sample Volume Concentration Methods, Cincinnati, OH. April
2005 Invited Participant, USEPA Candidate Contaminant List Workshop, Washington DC, Dec.
2005 Invited Participant, WERF Directed Research Program Workshop, Washington DC, Nov
2005 Invited Participant, US EPA Pathogen Equivalency Committee Retreat, Hueston Woods, OH, September
2005 Invited Participant, DoD-DoE-EPA Molecular Biological Tools Workshop, Charlottesville, VA, August
2005 Invited Participant, American Society for Microbiology’s Biodefense Research Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March
2004 Invited Participant, USEPA Workshop on Virulence-Factor-Activity Relationships, Baltimore, MD, October.
2004 Member, Board of Directors, National Alliance for Food Safety & Security
2004 Invited Participant, NASA-JPL Workshop on Microbial monitoring of the International Space Station Drinking Water. June
2004 Invited Participant, USEPA International Workshop on coliphages. Washington DC. April
2004 Organizer, International Workshop, “Food Irradiation: Discussing the International Research and Policy Agenda”. College Station, Texas
2004 Invited Participant, NASA Workshop on developing a Research Roadmap for the International Space Station, Kennedy Space Center.
2004 Vice Chairperson, Fruit and Vegetable Safety and Quality Professional Development Group, International Association of Food Protection
2003 Reviewer, Korea Science Prize, Korea Science & Engineering Foundation
2003 Invited Participant, WERF-USEPA Biosolids Research Summit, VA. August
2003 Convener, IFT Symposium. “E-beam technology: where are we in terms of the science?”
2003 Member, Joint IAEA-FAO Coordinated Research Project on use of irradiation to ensure quality/safety of fresh fruits and vegetables
2003 Member, USEPA expert panel on molecular detection of viruses in water
2003 Chair, Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) - Project Committee,
“Real-Time PCR detection of human viruses and indicators in water”
2003 Chair, Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) - Project Committee,
“Molecular alternatives to indicator and pathogen detection”
2003 Member, Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) –Project Advisory Committee, “Biosolids Microbial Health Risk Investigations”
2000 Member, Scientific Organizing Committee for the “Microbiology of Composting” conference in Innsbruck, Austria.
2000 Technical Expert - USAID/Kenan Institute-Asia to address pathogen contamination of imported raw hide products.
2000 Member, National Water Research Institute (NWRI) panel to review studies related to urban-runoff influencing beach closures in Southern California
2000 Member, Expert panel for USEPA to discuss microbial pathogen exposure routes.
1999 Member-City of El Paso/FBI Task Force to prepare for Biological and Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction.
1999 Member- Expert panel for the USEPA to discuss the choice of microbial indicators in groundwater for monitoring purposes for the Groundwater Rule.
1999- Member, American Water Works Research Foundation Research (AWWARF) Project Advisory Committee. “Development of a molecular method to detect infective viruses”
1997 Member, Expert panel for the US-Mexico Foundation for Science meeting, “Environment and Public Health along the Mexico/US border. Tijuana, Baja California
1996- Steering Committee Member- Clean Rivers Program. (Upper Rio Grande Basin) Texas Natural Resources Conservation Commission.
1994 Co-Chair, Hazardous and Solid Waste Group. Rio Grande Council of Government's Environmental Research Group
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Food Protection, American Society of Microbiology Spectrum, Indian Journal of Biotechnology
Editorial Board Member: Bioresource Technology (1995-2003)
Reviewer for :Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Canadian Journal of Microbiology, Journal of Environmental Quality, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, The Quarterly Review of Biology, Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, The Journal of Water and Health, Journal of the American Water Works Association, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Journal of Virological Methods, Environmental Science & Technology, Journal of Food Science, etc.
American Society for Microbiology
International Association of Food Protection
Institute of Food Technologists
American Association for the Advancement of Science
Society for Applied Microbiology
International Water Association
1. High energy electron beam irradiation for the production of immuno-modulators in poultry. Jack McReynolds, Suresh D. Pillai, Palmy Jesudhasan and Martha Cepeda (2012) (US patent 8,173,139)
2. Removal of biological pathogens using surfactant-modified zeolites. Dirk Schulze-Makuch, Robert S. Bowman and Suresh D. Pillai.(2007) (U.S. Patent 7,311,839)
3. Shayanfar, S., and S.D. Pillai (2022). Ionizing Radiation Technologies: Managing and extracting value from wastes. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
4. Pillai, S.D., and J.A. McKelvey. 2017. Molecular Methods for the Detection and Characterization of Foodborne and Environmental Pathogens. DEStech Publications, PA
5. Yates MV, Miller RV, Nakatsu CH, Pillai S, D. (Editors) (2020), Manual of Environmental Microbiology, 4th ed. ASM Press, Washington, DC.
6. Pillai, S.D. and S.Shayanfar (Editors) (2015) Electron Beam Pasteurization and Complementary Food Processing Technologies, Woodhead Publishing, UK pp 326.
7. R.C. Bier, S.D. Pillai, T.D. Phillips and R.L. Ziprin (Editors) (2004). Pre-harvest and Post-harvest Food Safety; Contemporary Issues and Future Directions. Institute of Food Technologists/Iowa State University Press
8. Pillai, S.D. (Editor) (1998) Microbial Pathogens within Aquifers-Principles &Protocols. Springer-Verlag.
Book Chapters
9. Pillai, S.D., and E.T. Pillai 2021. Agriculture: Electron beam irradiation technology applications in the food industry. In: Greenspan, E (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Nuclear Energy, vol 4. Elsevier, pp 313-329.
10. Shayanfar, S., and S.D. Pillai (2019). Electron beam processing of foods. Chapter 16. In Non-thermal processing of foods O.P. Chauhan (ed). CRC Press.
11. Pillai, S.D. and S. Shayanfar (2017). Electron beam technology and other irradiation technology applications in the food industry. In. Applications of Radiation Chemistry in the fields of Industry, Biotechnology and Environment, Springer.
12. Pillai SD, and S. Shayanfar (2015). Chapter 1. Introduction to electron beam pasteurization in food processing. In: Electron Beam Pasteurization and Complementary Food Processing Technologies (Eds. S.D. Pillai, and S. Shayanfar), Woodhead Publishing, UK (DOI: 10.1533/9781782421085.1.3
13. Pillai SD and S. Shayanfar (2015). Ch 6. Aseptic packaging of foods and its combination with electron beam processing. In: Electron Beam Pasteurization and Complementary Food Processing Technologies (Eds. S.D Pillai and S. Shayanfar), Woodhead Publishing, UK (DOI: 10.1533/9781782421085.2.83).
14. Shayanfar S, and S.D. Pillai SD (2015). Chapter 16. Future trends in electron beam technology for food processing. In: Electron Beam Pasteurization and Complementary Food Processing Technologies (Eds. S.D. Pillai and S. Shayanfar), Woodhead Publishing, UK (DOI: 10.1533/9781782421085.3.295).
15. Pillai, S.D. (2014) New opportunities for ebeam technologies in one health. In: Radiation processed materials in products from polymers for agricultural applications. Chapter 20. IAEA-TECDOC Series. Vienna, Austria
16. Pillai, S.D. C.H. Rambo (2014). Water quality assessment; routine techniques for monitoring bacterial and viral contaminants. In: Batt, C.A., Tortorella, M.L (eds). Encyclopedia of Food Microbiology. Vol 3. Elsevier Ltd. Academic Press. Pp 766-772.
17. Pillai, S.D., C. Blackburn, and C. Bogran, (2014). Applications of ionizing irradiation for phytosanitary treatment and food safety for fresh produce. In: Global safety of fresh produce: A handbook of best-practice examples, innovative commercial solutions and case studies. Edited by J. Hoorfar. Woodhead Publishing, Oxford, UK.
18. Pillai, S.D. (2012). Source tracing in Thailand following contamination of dog-chew toys with Salmonella. In: Case studies in food safety and quality. Edited by J. Hoorfar. Woodhead Publishing, Oxford, U.K.
19. Skaggs, B., Srisawat, P., Reimers, R.S., and Pillai, S.D. (2012) Innovative wastewater disinfection technologies. In: The Praeger Handbook of Environmental Health. Edited by R.H. Friis. ABC-CLIO
20. Pillai, S.D. (2011) Empowering billions with food safety and food security In: In Food & Agriculture, Thematic Volume- International Conference on Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy-2009 (Eds. Arun Sharma & S.F. D’Souza), Published by Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Department of Atomic Energy, India
21. Reed, A.L., and S.D. Pillai (2011). E-Beam based ionizing radiation technology for municipal biosolid treatment. In: Solids Processing Design and Management Manual. (ed J. Smith). Water Environment Federation
22. Rambo, C., and S.D. Pillai (2011). Pathogen testing in fresh produce and irrigation water. In: Rapid Detection, Characterization and Enumeration of Foodborne Pathogens. (Ed, J. Hoorfar). ASM Press, Washington DC
23. Nair, C., D. Prince, C. Rambo, and S.D. Pillai (2010). Contemporary Issues in Food Safety. In: Comprehensive Food Fermentation Food Biotechnology. A. Pandey, , C. Larroche, R. Soccol, E. Gnansounou, and P. Nigam (eds). AsiaTech Publishers, New Delhi.
24. Sivakumar, K.K., P.Jesudhasan and S.D. Pillai (2011) Detection of Autoinducer (AI-2) like Activity in Food Samples In: Quorum Sensing: Methods and Protocols (ed. K. Rumbaugh). Humana Press
25. Pillai, S.D., D. H. D’Souza, G.D. Giovanni, A. Sharma, M. Patterson (2008). Microbiological safety of foods: contemporary challenges and solutions. In: Biotechnology. A. Pandey, C. Larroche, C. R. Soccol, and C-G Dussap, (eds) . AsiaTech Publishers
26. Jesudhasan, P.R., K. Widmer, K. Soni, A. Vikram, and S.D. Pillai. (2007). Microbial cell signaling and its potential applications in bioprocessing. In: Advances on Bioprocessing in Food Industry. A.A.Koutinas and A. Pandey (eds)
27. Pillai, S.D., and L.A. Braby. (2007) Electronic pasteurization of foods. In: Advances in Thermal and Non-Thermal Food Preservation. G.Tewari and V. Juneja (eds). Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA.
28. Pillai, S.D. L. Braby, and J. Maxim. (2006). Technical Challenges and Research Directions in Electronic Food Pasteurization. In: Food Irradiation Research and Technology. C.H. Sommers and X. Fan (eds). Blackwell Publishing.
29. Pillai, S.D. and E. Vega (2007) Molecular Detection and Characterization Tools. In: Microbial Source Tracking. P 65-91. (ed. J.W. Santo Domingo and M.J. Sadowsky) American Society for Microbiology Press, Washington, DC
30. Beier, R.C., and S.D. Pillai (2007) Future directions in food safety. In: Foodborne Diseases, S. Simjee (ed.). Humana Press, Totowa, NJ .
31. Pillai, S.D. (2006) Food Irradiation: A solution to combat worldwide food-borne illnesses. In: Current Topics in Bioprocesses in Food Industries. Christian Larroche, Ashok Pandey, and Claude-Gilles Dussap (eds). AsiaTechPublishers, Inc. New Delhi.
32. Pillai S.D. (2006) Bacteriophages as Indicators. In: Food Virology (ed. Sagar Goyal). Kluwer Publishers.
33. Pillai, S.D. (2004) Molecular Methods for Microbial Detection. In: Pre-harvest and Post-harvest Food Safety: Contemporary Issues and Future Directions. (eds. R.C.Bier, S.D. Pillai. T.D. Phillips, and R.L. Ziprin). Institute of Food Technologists/Iowa State Press.
34. Pillai, S.D. (2004). Food Irradiation. In: Pre-harvest and Post-harvest Food Safety: Contemporary Issues and Future Directions. (eds. R.C.Bier, S.D. Pillai. T.D. Phillips, and R.L. Ziprin). Institute of Food Technologists/Iowa State Press. 375-387.
35. Pillai, S.D.,and J. Totten (2003). Molecular Methods for Microbial Detection and Characterization. In: Concise Encyclopedia of Bioresource Technology (ed: A. Pandey). The Harworth Press, Inc. NY.
36. Pillai, S.D., and N. Nwachuku (2002). Bacteriophage Methodologies. In: Encyclopedia of Microbiology. G. Bitton (ed). Wiley & Sons 374-384
37. Pillai,S.D. (2002). Bioaerosols and Public Health. In: Microbiology of Composting. (eds H. Insam, N. Riddech, and S. Klammer) Springer-Verlag. p 595-606
38. Pillai, S.D. ,and G. Di Giovanni (2003). Microbial Sampling. In: Encyclopedia of Water Science (eds. B.A. Stewart and T.A. Howell) Marcel Dekker Press, Inc. NY.
39. Pillai, S.D., and D. Makuch. (2002) Subsurface hydrobiology. In Groundwater, edited by L. Silveria, In: Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, U.K.
40. Pillai, S.D. (1998) Future advances in subsurface microbiology. In Microbial pathogens within aquifers- Principles &Protocols. (ed. S.D. Pillai) p 133-136. Springer-Verlag.
41. Dowd, S.E. and S.D. Pillai. (1998) Groundwater sampling for microbial analysis. In S.D. Pillai (ed.) Ch. 2. Microbial pathogens within aquifers-Principles & Protocols. Springer-Verlag.
42. Pepper, I.L., and S.D. Pillai. ( 1995) PCR Amplification of DNA from root nodules. In: J.T. Trevors and J.D. Van Elsas (eds.) Ch.8. Nucleic Acids in the Environment: Methods and Applications. Springer Verlag. pp141-151.
43. Pepper, I.L., and S.D. Pillai. (1994) Detection of specific sequences in environmental samples via Polymerase Chain Reaction. In: R.W. Weaver, J.S. Angle and P.S. Bottomley (eds.) Ch. 43. Methods of Soil Analysis. Part 2: Microbiological and Biochemical properties. SSA Book series No. 5 pp. 707-726.
Industry Outreach Articles
44. Pillai, S.D. 2022. Food irradiation in the United States:Empowering food industry decision makers. Nuclear Science and Engineering. April
45. Dupuy, N., S.R. Marque, L.S.Fifield, M. Pharr, D.Staack, S.D. Pillai, L. Nichols, M.K. Murphy and S.Dorey. 2022. Supplementing gamma sterilization with X-ray and E-Beam technologies: An international industry and academic collaboration. BioProcess International March.
46. Pillai, S.D., and S.K. Bhatia. 2018. Electron beam technology – a platform for safe, fresh and chemical-free food. FoodSafety Magazine.April/May 2018.
47. Pillai, S.D. 2017. Food irradiation – a technology that is moving away from photons to electrons – American Bar Association – Food Cosmetics and Nutraceuticals Committee Newsletter.
48. Pillai, S.D. (2016). Introduction to electron-beam food irradiation. Chemical Engineering Process. November November 2016.
49. Pillai, S.D. (2014). Harmonization of technological approaches to achieve quality and safety. Intl. Food Hygiene. 25(6).
50. Pillai, S.D. and P. Jesudhasan (2006) Quorum sensing: how bacteria communicate. Food Technology. 60: 42-47.
51. Pillai, S.D. (1994) Improving microbial detection in water treatment. Natl. Environ, J. 4: 62-63.
Review Articles
52. Stanfill, S.B., S.S. Hecht, A.C. Joerger, P.J. González, L.B. Maia, M.G. Rivas, J.J.G. Moura, A.K. Gupta, N.E Le Brun, J.C. Crack, P.Hainaut, C.Sparacino-Watkins, R.E. Tyx, S.D. Pillai, G.S. Zaatari, S. J. Henley, B. C. Blount, C.H. Watson, B.Kaina, R.Mehrotra. 2023. From cultivation to cancer: formation of N-nitrosamines and other carcinogens in smokeless tobacco and their mutagenic implications. Cit. Rev. Toxicol. 53: 658-701.
53. Bhatia, S. S., and S.D. Pillai. 2022. Ionizing Radiation Technologies for Vaccine Development - A Mini Review. Frontiers in immunology, 13, 845514.
54. Folcik, A. M., & Pillai, S. D. (2020). A critical review of ionizing irradiation technologies for the remediation of waters containing Microcystin-LR and M. aeruginosa. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 109128.
55. Pillai, S.D., and S. Shayanfar. 2018. Electron beam processing of fresh produce- a critical review. Rad. Phy. Chem. 143: 85-88
56. Pillai, S.D., and K. McElhany (2011). Status of irradiated foods in the USA. SafeFood, 6: 1-10.
57. Sobsey, M.D., and S.D. Pillai (2009) Where future emerging pathogens will come from and what approaches can be used to find them besides VFARs? Journal of Water and Health 7: S75-S 93
58. Pillai, S.D. (2007) Bioaerosols from land-applied biosolids: issues and needs. Water Environment Research 79: 270-278
59. Maciorowski, K.G., P. Herrera, F.T. Jones, S.D. Pillai and S.C. Ricke (2006). Cultural and immunological methods for Salmonella spp in animal feeds. – a review. Veterinary Research Communications 30: 127-137.
60. Pillai, S.D., L. A. Braby, and C. B. Lavergne. (2005). Electron beam technology for food irradiation. International Review of Food Science and Technology 96-101
61. Maciorowski, K.G., S.D. Pillai, F.T. Jones and S.C. Ricke (2005) Polymerase chain reaction detection of foodborne Salmonella spp. in animal feeds. Critical Reviews in Microbiology 31: 45-53.
62. Pillai, S.D. and P. Jesudhasan (2006) Quorum sensing: how bacteria communicate. Food Technology. 60: 42-47.
63. Maciorowski, K.G., P. Herrera, F.T. Jones, S.D. Pillai and S.C. Ricke (2006). Cultural and immunological methods for Salmonella spp in animal feeds. – a review. Veterinary Research Communications 30: 127-137.
64. Pillai, S.D., L. A. Braby, and C. B. Lavergne. (2005). Electron beam technology for food irradiation. International Review of Food Science and Technology 96-101
65. Maciorowski, K.G., S.D. Pillai, F.T. Jones and S.C. Ricke (2005) Polymerase chain reaction detection of foodborne Salmonella spp. in animal feeds. Critical Reviews in Microbiology 31: 45-53.
66. Smith, J.S., and S.D. Pillai (2004). Irradiation and Food Safety. Science Status Summary. FoodTechnology 58: 48-55.
67. Maciorowski, K.G., F.T. Jones, S.D. Pillai and S.C. Ricke (2004) Incidence, sources and control of food-borne Salmonella spp. in poultry feeds. World Poultry Science Journal 60: 446-457.
68. Roe, M.T., and S.D. Pillai. (2003) Monitoring and identifying antibiotic resistance mechanisms in bacteria. Poultry Science (suppl). 82: 622-626
69. Pillai, S.D., and S.C. Ricke (2002) Bioaerosols from municipal and animal wastes: background and contemporary issues. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 48: 681-696.
70. Ricke, S.C., S.D. Pillai, R.A. Norton, K.G. Maciorowski, and F.T. Jones. (1998) Applicability of rapid methods for detection of Salmonella spp. in poultry feeds: a review Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 6: 239-258
71. Ricke, S.C., and S.D. Pillai. (1999) Conventional and molecular methods for understanding probiotic bacteria functionality in gastrointestinal tracts. CRC Critical Reviews in Microbiology (25)(1): 19-38.
72. Pillai, S.D. (1997) Molecular detection of microbial pathogens: breakthroughs and challenges. Archives in Virology (suppl). 13: 67-82.
73. Pillai, S.D., and S.C. Ricke. (1995) Strategies to improve the applicability of gene amplification protocols for pathogen detection in meat and meat products. CRC Critical Reviews in Microbiology 21(4): 239-261
Peer-Reviewed Original Research Articles
74. Li, Donghui., T.T. Bisel, S.K. Cooley, Y. Ni, M. K. Murphy, M.P. Spencer, M.K. Hasan, L.S.Fifield, M. Pharr, D. Staack, M. Huang, S.D. Pillai L. Nichols, R.Parker, and E. Gustin 2024. Gamma, electron beam and X-ray irradiation effects on polymers in an advanced bone cement mixer device. Rad. Phys.Chem. 226: 112118.
75. Mulyana, D., S.S. Chirayath, S.D. Pillai, K.Zhu-Salzman, A.M. Tarone, J. B. Welch, P.L. Phillips, and J.L.Elster. 2024. Monte Carlo modeling and simulation of electron beam irradiation optimization for screwworm fly eradication through sterile insect technique. Nuc. Eng. and Technol.103371
76. Assumpcao, A.L.F.V., K. Arsi, A.Asnayanti, K.S. Alharbi, A.D.T. Do, Q.D. Read, R.Perera, A.Shwani, A.Hasan, S.D. Pillai, R.C Anderson, A.M. Donoghue, D.D. Rhoads, P.R.R. Jesudhasan, A.A.K. Alrubaye 2024. Electron-Beam-Killed Staphylococcus Vaccine Reduced Lameness in Broiler Chickens. Vaccines. 11:1203
77. Li, D., T.T. Bisel, S. K. Cooley, M.K. Murphy, M.P. Spencer, M.K.Hasan, L.S. Fifield, M. Pharr, D. Staack, M.Huang, S.D. Pillai, L.Nichols, R.Parker and E.Gustin 2024. Effects of gamma, electron beam, and X-ray irradiation on the plastic components of a universal bone cement mixer medical device. Rad.Phys. Chem. 223:111971
78. Schwarz, R., F.Salvat, D.Sunderland, M.Azuma, C.Boutros, S.Pillai, F.Kuntz, A.Nasreddine, J. Pagh, D. Wootan, and M.K. Murphy 2024. PUFFIn–A user friendly fast interface for calculating and visualizing the dose distribution in materials. Rad. Phys. Chem. 222:111774
79. Hasan, M. K., Staack, D., Pillai, S. D., Fifield, L. S., & Pharr, M. (2024). Connecting Radiation-Driven Changes in Structural, Thermal, and Mechanical Properties in Several Medical Device Polymers. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 110677.
80. Ni, Y., Bisel, T. T., Hasan, M. K., Li, D., Fuchs, W. K., Cooley, S. K., Nichols, L., Pharr, M., Dupuy, N., Marque, S.R.A., Murphy, M.K., Pillai, S.D., Dorey, S., & Fifield, L. S. (2023). Compatibility of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA)/ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH)/EVA films with gamma, electron-beam, and X-ray irradiation. npj Materials Degradation, 7(1), 93.
81. Folcik, A. M., Ruggles, S. A., & Pillai, S. D. (2023). Applicability of Electron Beam Technology for the Degradation of Microcystin-LR in Surface Waters. ACS omega, 8(14), 12664-12670.
82. Chang, Y., Lei, J., Alvarez, A. E., Chappell, T., Tang, X., Chen, I. W., Penca, C., Bailey, W.D., Pillai, S., Tamborindeguy, C, Yuzhou,C., & Zhu-Salzman, K. (2023). Electron beam irradiation reduces plant pathogen abundance and transmission by potato psyllids. Entomologia Generalis, 43(2).
83. Kingsley, D.H., S.K.C. Chang, B.A. Annous and S.D. Pillai, 2022. Evaluation of riboflavin as an enhancer for x-ray and ebeam irradiation treatment of Tulane virus. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 203:110645
84. Annor, S. D., Salazar, K. S., Pillai, S. D., Kerth, C. R., Gill, J. J., & Taylor, T. M. (2023). Melibiose–X-Gal–MacConkey Agar for Presumptive Differentiation of Escherichia albertii from E. coli and Salmonella from Poultry Meat. Applied Microbiology, 3(1), 119-130.
85. Huang, M., Hasan, M. K., Pillai, S. D., Pharr, M., & Staack, D. (2023). Electron beam technology for Re-processing of personal protective equipment. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 202, 110557.
74. Skrobarczyk, J. W., C.L. Martin, S.S. Bhatia, S.D. Pillai, and L.R. Berghman, L. R. 2022. Electron-Beam Inactivation of Human Rotavirus (HRV) for the Production of Neutralizing Egg Yolk Antibodies. Frontiers in immunology, 13, 840077.
75. Huang M, M.K. Hasan, K. Rathore, M.A. Hil Baky, J. Lassalle, J. Kraus, M. Burnette, C.Campbell, K.Wang, H.Jemison, S. Pillai, M. Pharr and D.Staack. 2022. Plasma generated ozone and reactive oxygen species for point of use PPE decontamination system. PLoS ONE 17(2): e0262818.
76. Lassalle, J., Gao, R., Rodi, R., Kowald, C., Feng, M., Sharma, V. K., ... & Pillai, S. D. (2021). Degradation of PFOS and PFOA in soil and groundwater samples by high dose Electron Beam Technology. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 189, 109705.
77. Chmielewski, A. G., Sudlitz, M., Han, B., & Pillai, S. D. (2021). Electron beam technology for biogas and biofertilizer generation at municipal resource recovery facilities. Nukleonika, 66(4), 213-219.
78. Price, T. R., Baskaran, S. A., Moncada, K. L., Minamoto, Y., Klemashevich, C., Jayuraman, A., Sucholdoski, J.S., Tedeschi, L.O., Steiner, J.M., Pillai, S.D., & Walzem, R. L. (2021). Whole and Isolated Protein Fractions Differentially Affect Gastrointestinal Integrity Markers in C57Bl/6 Mice Fed Diets with a Moderate-Fat Content. Nutrients, 13(4), 1251.
79. Fifield, L. S., Pharr, M., Staack, D., Pillai, S. D., Nichols, L., McCoy, J., ... & Murphy, M. K. (2021). Direct comparison of gamma, electron beam and X-ray irradiation effects on single-use blood collection devices with plastic components. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 180, 109282.
80. Fifield, L. S., M. Pharr, D. Staack, S.D. Pillai, L. Nichols, J. McCoy, T. Faucette, T.T.Bisel, M.Huang, M.J., ... & Murphy, M. K. (2021). Direct Comparison of Gamma, Electron Beam and X-ray Irradiation Doses on Characteristics of Low-density Polyethylene, Polypropylene Homopolymer, Polyolefin Elastomer and Chlorobutyl Rubber Medical Device Polymers. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 109505.
81. Jesudhasan, P. R., S. Bhatia, K. K. Sivakumar, C. Praveen, K.J. Genovese, H. He, R. Droleskey, J.L. McReynolds, J.A. Byrd, C.L. Swaggerty, M.H. Kogut, D.J. Nisbet and S.D. Pillai 2021. Controlling the Colonization of Clostridium perfringens in Broiler Chickens by an Electron-Beam-Killed Vaccine. Animals, 11(3), 671.
82. Folcik, A. M., C. Klemashevich, and S.D. Pillai 2021. Response of Microcystis aeruginosa and Microcystin-LR to Electron Beam Irradiation Doses. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 109534.
83. Praveen, C., S.S. Bhatia, R. C. Alaniz, R.E. Droleskey, N.D. Cohen, P. R. Jesudhasan, and S.D. Pillai, 2021. Assessment of microbiological correlates and immunostimulatory potential of electron beam inactivated metabolically active yet non culturable (MAyNC) Salmonella Typhimurium. Plos one, 16(4), e0243417.
84. Feng, M., R. Gao, D. Staack, S.D. Pillai, and V.K. Sharma, 2021. Degradation of perfluoroheptanoic acid in water by electron beam irradiation. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 1-6.
85. Kowald, C., E. Brorman, S. Shankar, C. Klemashevich, D.Staack, and S.D. Pillai, 2021. PFOA and PFOS breakdown in experimental sand, laboratory-grade water, investigation-derived groundwater and wastewater effluent samples at 50 kGy electron beam dose. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 180, 109323.
86. Lieberman, J., Keskula, M., Adduci, J., Vargas, V., Itamura, M., Pillai, S.,D.Pillai ... & Murphy, M. (2020). Replacement of Cobalt in Medical Device Sterilization: Current Trends, Opportunities and Barriers to Adoption of X-ray and E-Beam Within the Medical Device Sterilization Market. Arab Journal of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, 53(4).
87. Geismar, H.N., Y. Huang, S.D. Pillai, C. Sriskandarajah, and S. Youn. 2020. Location-routing with conflicting objectives: coordinating eBeam phytosanitary treatment and distribution of Mexican import commodities. Production Operations Management 29: 1506-1531
88. Lei, J., I.W. Chen, G. Wright, S. Pillai, K.Zhu-Salzman. 2020. Electron beam irradiation induces DNA endoreplication in holometabolous juvenile insects: a rapid flow cytometry-based diagnosis. Journal of Pest Science.
89. Smith, B., S. Shayanfar, R. Walzem, C.Z. Alvarado and S.D. Pillai 2020. Preserving fresh fruit quality by low-dose electron beam processing for vending distribution channels. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 168: 108540.
90. Lei, J., J. Meng, I.W. Cheng, W. Cheng, A.L. Beam, M.S. Islam, W.D. Bailey, S. Pillai and K.Zhu-Salzman. 2020. Deleterious effects of electron beam irradiation on development and reproduction of tomato/potato psyllids, Bactericera cockerelli. Insect Sci.
91. Bhatia, S.S., and S.D. Pillai. 2019. A comparative analysis of the metabolomic response of electron beam inactivated E. coli O266:H11 and Salmonella Typhimurium ATCC 13311. Frontiers in Microbiology, 10: 694. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.00694
92. Ward, L.R., E.van Schaik, J. Samuel, and S.D. Pillai 2019. Reduction in microbial infection risks from raw milk by electron beam technology. Radiation Physics and Chemistry.
93. Rocha, J.N., L.J. Dangott, W. Mwangi, R.C. Alaniz, A.I.Bordin, C.Cywes-Bentley, S.D. Lawhon, S.D. Pillai, J.M. Bray, G.B. Pier, and N.D. Cohen. 2019. PNAG-specific equine IgG1 mediates significantly greater opsonization and killing of Prescottella equi (formely Rhodococcus equi) than does IgG4/7. Vaccine 37: 1142-1150
94. Hieke, A.C., and S.D. Pillai. 2018. Escherichia coli exposed to lethal doses of electron beam irradiation retain their ability to propagate bacteriophages and are metabolically active. Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 2138.
95. Shayanfar, S., A.Broumand, and S.D. Pillai 2018. Acid stress induces differential accumulation of metabolites in Escherichia coli O26:H11. J. Applied Microbiology 125: 1911-1919
96. Wang, L., W. Cheng, J. Meng, M.Speakmon, J. Qiu, S.D. Pillai and K.Zhu-Salzman. 2019. Hypoxic environment protects cowpea bruchid (Callosobruchus maculatus) from electron beam irradiation damage. Pest Management Science.
97. Sági G, K. Szabacsi, L. Szabó, R. Homlok, K. Kovács, C.Mohácsi-Farkas C, S.D. Pillai, E. Takács, and L. Wojnárovits. 2018. Influence of ionizing radiation on the antimicrobial activity of the antibiotics sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A: 53: 687-693
98. Bhatia, S. K., R. Wall, C. R. Kerth and S.D. Pillai. 2018. Benchmarking the minimum Electron Beam (eBeam) dose required for the sterilization of space foods. Radiation Physics Chemistry. 143: 72-78
99. Ward, L.R., C.R. Kerth and S.D. Pillai 2017. Nutrient profiles and volatile odorous compounds of raw milk after exposure to electron beam processing doses. Journal of Food Science. 82: 1614-1621. http://doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.13763
100. Smith, B., A. Ortega, and S.D. Pillai (2017). Preserving Quality of Fresh Cut Watermelon Cubes for Vending Distribution by Low-Dose Electron Beam Processing. Food Control 72: 367-371
101. Shayanfar, S., K. Mena, and S.D. Pillai (2016) Quantifying the Reduction in Potential Infection Risks from Non-O157 Shiga Toxin Producing E.coli in Strawberries by Low Dose Electron Beam Processing. Food Control 72: 324-327
102. Wang, L., B. Batchelor, S.D. Pillai and V.S.V. Botlaguduru. 2016. Electron beam treatment for potable water reuse: removal of bromate and perfluorooctanoic acid. Chemical Engineering Journal. 302: 58-68
103. Trudeau, M.P., H. Verma, F. Sampedro, P.E. Urriola, G.C. Shurson, J. McKelvey, S.D. Pillai and S.M. Goyal. 2016. Comparison of thermal and non-thermal processing of swine feed and the use of selected feed additives on inactivation of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea Virus (PEDV) PloS one 11: e0158128.
104. Zemboua, M.Kaci, S. Bruzard, J-L. Audic, S.Shayanfar and S. D. Pillai. 2016. Electron beam radiation effects on properties and ecotoxicity of PHBV/PLA blends in presence of organo-modified montmorillonite. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 132: 117-126
105. Madera-Santana, T.J., R. Melendrez, G. Gonzalez-Garcia, P. Quintana-Owen and S.D. Pillai. 2016. Effect of gamma irradiation on physicochemical properties of commercial poly(lactic acid) clamshell for food packaging. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 123: 6-13.
106. Rocha, J.N., N.D. Cohen, A.I. Borden, C.N. Brake, S. Giguere, M.C. Coleman, R.C. Alaniz, S.D. Lawhon, W. Mwangi and S.D. Pillai. 2016. Oral administration of electron-beam inactivated Rhodococcus equi failed to protect foals against intrabronchial infection with live, virulent R. equi. PlosONE. 11(2): e0148111.
107. Kaur, J., R. Karthikeyan and S.D. Pillai. 2016. Photoreactivation and dark repair of environmental E.coli strains following 24 kHz continuous ultrasound and UV-C irradiation. J. Environ. Sci. Health. Part A 51: 607-623
108. Kaur, J., R. Karthikeyan and S.D. Pillai. 2015. Effectiveness of ultrasound, UV-C and photocatalysis on inactivation kinetics of Aeromonas hydrophila. J. Env. Sci. Health. Part A.50: 1223-1229
109. Salvatore, M., A. Marra, D. Duraccio, S. Shayanfar, S.D. Pillai, S. Cimmino and C. Silvestre. 2015. Effect of electron beam irradiation on the properties of polylactic acid/montmorillonite nanocomposites for food packaging applications. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 133: DOI: 10.1002/app.42219
110. Sang, W., M. Speakmon, L. Zhou, Y. Wang, C. Lei, S.D. Pillai and K Z-Salzman. 2015. Detrimental effects of electron beam irradiation on the cowpea bruchid Callosobruchus maculatus. Pest Management doi: 10.1002/ps.4053
111. Shayanfar, S., C. Harzman and S.D. Pillai (2015) Fruit juice and puree characteristics influence enrichment requirements for real-time PCR detection of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris. International Journal of Food Contamination 2:1 DOI: 10.1186/s40550-015-0008-0
112. Hieke, A-S, C. and S.D. Pillai (2015) Attenuation of 10 MeV electron beam energy to achieve low doses does not impact Salmonella spp. Inactivation kinetics. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 110: 38-41
113. Jesudhasan, P.R., J.L. McReynolds, A.J. Byrd, H.He, K.J. Genovese, R. Droleskey, C.L. Swaggerty, M.H. Kogut, S.Duke, D.J. Nisbet, C. Praveen and S.D. Pillai (2015) Electron beam inactivated vaccine against Salmonella Enteriditis colonization in molting hens. Avian Diseases 59: 165-170.
114. Bordin, A.L., S.D. Pillai, C. Brake, K.B. Bagley, J.R. Bourquin, M. Coleman, F.N. Oliviera, W. Mwangi, D.N. McMurray, C.C. Love, M.J.B. Felippe, and N.D. Cohen. (2014) Immunogenicity of an electron beam inactivated Rhodococcus equi vaccine in neonatal foals. PlosOne. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0105367
115. Garcia, T.P., Muller, S., Carroll, R.J., Dunn, T.N., Thomas, A.P., Adams, S.H., Pillai, S.D. and Walzem, R.L. (2013). Structured variable selection with q-values. Biostatistics DOI:10.1093/biostatistics/kxt012
116. Praveen, C., P.R. Jesudhasan, R. Reimers and S.D. Pillai (2013). Electron beam inactivation of selected microbial pathogens and indicator organisms in aerobically and anaerobically digested sewage sludge. Bioresources Technology144: 652-657
117. Praveen, C., Dancho, B.A., Kingsley, D.H., Calci, K.R., Meade, G.K., Mena, K.D. and Pillai, S.D. (2013). Susceptibility of Murine Norovirus and Hepatitis A Virus to Electron Beam Irradiation in Oysters and Quantifying the Reduction in Potential Infection Risks. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79: 3796-3801
118. Bordin, A.I., Suchodolski, J.S., Markel, M.E., Weaver, K.B., Steiner, J.M., Dowd, S.E., Pillai, S., and Cohen, N.D. (2013) Effects of administration of live or inactivated virulent Rhodococccus equi and age on the fecal microbiome of neonatal foals. PlosOne 8: e66640
119. Murthi, P., Praveen, C., Jesudhasan, P. R., & Pillai, S. D. (2012). Comparing extraction buffers to identify optimal method to extract somatic coliphages from sewage sludges. Bioresource Technology, 118, 407-411.
120. Espinosa, A. C., Jesudhasan, P., Arredondo, R., Cepeda, M., Mazari-Hiriart, M., Mena, K. D., and Pillai, S. D. (2012). Quantifying the reduction in potential health risks by determining the sensitivity of poliovirus type 1 chat strain and rotavirus SA-11 to electron beam irradiation of iceberg lettuce and spinach. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78(4), 988-993.
121. Kakani, G., Jesudhasan, P. R., & Pillai, S. D. (2012). Different biocides elicit differential responses in bacteria. IEEE Aerospace.
122. Kogut, M. H., McReynolds, J. L., He, H., Genovese, K. J., Jesudhasan, P. R., Davidson, M. A. Cepeda, M.A., & Pillai, S. D. (2012). Electron-beam irradiation inactivation of salmonella: Effects on innate immunity and induction of protection against salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium challenge of chickens. Procedia in Vaccinology, 6, 47-63.
123. Sooresh, A., Zeng, Z., Chandrasekharan, J., Pillai, S. D., & Sayes, C. M. (2012). A physiologically relevant approach to characterize the microbial response to colloidal particles in food matrices within a simulated gastrointestinal tract. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 50(9), 2971-2977.
124. Vikram, A., Jayaprakasha, G. K., Jesudhasan, P. R., Pillai, S. D., & Patil, B. S. (2012). Limonin 7-methoxime interferes with Escherichia coli biofilm formation and attachment in type 1 pili and antigen 43 dependent manner. Food Control, 26(2), 427-438.
125. Vikram, A., Jayaprakasha, G. K., Jesudhasan, P. R., Pillai, S. D., & Patil, B. S. (2012). Obacunone represses salmonella pathogenicity islands 1 and 2 in an envz-dependent fashion. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78(19), 7012-7022.
126. Vikram, A., Jesudhasan, P. R., Pillai, S. D., & Patil, B. S. (2012). Isolimonic acid interferes with Escherichia coliO157:H7 biofilm and TTSS in QseBC and QseA dependent fashion. BMC Microbiology, , 261-263
127. Widmer, K. W., Jesudhasan, P., & Pillai, S. D. (2012). Fatty acid modulation of autoinducer (AI-2) influenced growth and macrophage invasion by salmonella typhimurium. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease, 9(3), 211-217.
128. Vikram, A., P.R. Jesudhasan, G.K. Jayaprakasha, S.D. Pillai and B.S. Patil. 2011 Citrus limonoids interfere with Vibrio harveyi cell-cell signaling and biofilm formation by modulating the response regulator LuxO Microbiology. 157: 99-110
129. Vikram A, P.R. Jesudhasan, G.K. Jayaprakasha S.D. Pillai, A. Jayaraman A, and B.S. Patil 2011.Citrus flavonoid represses Salmonella pathogenicity island 1 and motility in S. Typhimurium LT2. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 145:28-36.
130. Vikram, A., G.K. Jayaprakasha, P. Jesudhasan, S. D. Pillai, and B. Patil (2010). Suppression of bacterial cell-cell signaling, biofilm formation and type III secretion system by citrus flavonoids. Journal of Applied Microbiology 109: 515-527
131. Koklu, M., S. Park, S.D. Pillai, and A. Beskok (2010). Negative dielectrophoresis capture of bacterial spores in food matrices. Biomicrofluidics 4:
132. Ágoston, R, C.M. Farkas and S.D. Pillai (2010) Exposure to sub-lethal temperatures induces enhanced heat resistance in Listeria monocytogenes. Acta Alimentaria 39: 327-336
133. Pillai, S.D., A. Smitherman, C.Call, M. Cepeda, C. Schwartz and M. Grunlan (2010). E-Beam Sterilization of Aerospace Materials: Microbiological & Mechanical Property Evaluations. Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference
134. Jesudhasan, P.R., M.L. Cepeda, K. Widmer, S.E. Dowd, K.A. Soni, M.E. Hume, J. Zhu, and S.D. Pillai (2010) . Transcriptome Analysis of Genes Controlled by luxS/Autoinducer-2 in Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 7: 399-410
135. Clancy, J.L., R.S. Salter, G.W. Durbin, E. Conklin, J. Olstadt, R. McCuin, L. Sifuentes, K. Bright, F. Houle, P. Jesudhasan and S. Pillai (2009) Performance-based method systems (PBMS) validation of a method 1601 same day detection of coliphage in water. Water Quality Technology Conference and Exposition. Seattle, WA 185-187.
136. Ágoston, R., K.A. Soni, P. Jesudhasan, W.Russell, C.M. Farkas, and S.D. Pillai (2009) Differential Expression of Proteins in Listeria monocytogenes under Thermo Tolerance-Inducing, Heat Shock, and Prolonged Heat Shock Conditions. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 6: 1133-1140.
137. Brahmakshatriya, V., B. Lupiani, J.L. Brinlee, M. Cepeda, S.D. Pillai, and S.M. Reddy (2009) Preliminary study for evaluation of avian influenza virus inactivation in contaminated poultry products using electron beam irradiation. Avian Pathology. 38:245-50
138. Ágoston, R., K.A. Soni, K. McElhany, M.L. Cepeda, U. Zuckerman, S. Tzipori, C.M. Farkas, and S.D. Pillai (2009) Rapid Concentration of Bacillus and Clostridium Spores from Large Volumes of Milk using Continuous Flow Centrifugation. Journal of Food Protection72: 666-669.
139. Girennavar B, Cepeda ML, Soni KA, Vikram A, Jesudhasan P, Jayaprakasha GK, Pillai SD, Patil BS. (2008). Grapefruit juice and its furocoumarins inhibits autoinducer signaling and biofilm formation in bacteria. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 125:204-208.
140. Alali WQ, Scott HM, Harvey RB, Norby B, Lawhorn DB, Pillai SD. 2008. Longitudinal study of antimicrobial resistance among Escherichia coli isolates from integrated multisite cohorts of humans and swine.Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 74: 3672-3681
141. Mackay, W.A., B. Pemberton, J. Maxim and S.D. Pillai. (2008). Ionizing Irradiation Using E-Beam to Control Importation of Biothreat Agents in Geranium Cuttings Inhibits Rooting. HortScience 43:955-956.
142. Mena, K., and S.D. Pillai (2008). An Approach for Developing Quantitative Risk-based Microbial Standards for Fresh Produce. Journal of Water Health 6: 359-364
143. Soni, K., P.R. Jesudhasan, M.L.Cepeda, B. Williams, M. Hume, W.K. Russell, A. Jayaraman, and S.D. Pillai. (2008).Autoinducer AI-2 is involved in regulating a variety of cellular processes in Salmonella Typhimurium. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 5:147-153.
144. Bansal, T., P. Jesudhasan, S. Pillai, T.K. Wood, and A. Jayaraman. (2008). Temporal regulation of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli virulence mediated by autoinducer-2. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 78: 811-819
145. Soni, K.A., L. Lingeng, P.R. Jesudhasan, M.E. Hume and S.D. Pillai (2008). Influence of Autoinducer-2 (AI-2) and Beef Sample Extracts on E. coli O157:H7 Survival and Gene Expression of Virulence Genes yadK and hhA. Journal of Food Science 73: M135-139.
146. Vega, E., J. Garland and S.D. Pillai (2008) . Electrostatic forces control non-specific attachment of viruses to lettuce. Journal of Food Protection 71: 522-529
147. Soni, K.A*., A.K. Balasubramanian, S.D. Pillai, and A.Beskok (2008). Zeta potentials of environmentally relevant states of bacteria in drinking water. Current Microbiology 56: 93-97.
148. Olvera, M., A.. Eguia, O. Rodriguez, E. Chong, S.D. Pillai, and I. Kuppusamy (2008). Inactivation of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in water using ultrasonic treatment. Bioresource Technology 99: 2046-2049
149. Soni KA, Jesudhasan P, Cepeda M, Widmer K, Jayaprakasha GK, Patil BS, Hume ME, Pillai SD.2008. Identification of ground beef-derived fatty acid inhibitors of autoinducer-2-based cell signaling. Journal of Food Protection. 71:134-138.
150. Balasubramanian, A.K., K. Soni, A. Beskok and S.D. Pillai. (2007) A microfluidic device for continuous capture and concentration of microorganisms from potable water. Lab on a Chip. 7: 1315-1321.
151. Soni, K., P.R. Jesudhasan, M.L.Cepeda, B. Williams, M. Hume, W.K. Russell, A. Jayaraman, and S.D. Pillai. (2007). Proteomic Analysis to Identify the Role of LuxS/AI-2 mediated Protein Expression in Escherichia coli O157:H7. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 4:463-471
152. Widmer, K.W., K. Soni, M. Hume, R.C. Beier, P. Jesudhasan and S.D. Pillai. (2007). Identification of Poultry Meat-derived Fatty Acids Functioning as Quorum Sensing Signal Inhibitors to Autoinducer-2 (AI-2). Journal of Food Science (72: M363-368.
153. Balasubramanian, A.K., A. Beskok, and S.D. Pillai (2007). In situ analysis of bacterial capture in a microfluidic channel. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering. 17: 1467-1478.
154. Urgiles, E., J. Wilcox, O. Montes, S. Osman, K. Venkateswaran, M. Cepeda, J. Maxim, L. Braby and S.D. Pillai(2007) Electron beam irradiation for microbial reduction on spacecraft components. Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference.
155. Casarez, E.A., S.D. Pillai and G.DiGiovanni. (2007). Genotype diversity of Escherichia coli isolates in natural waters determined by PFGE and ERIC-PCR. Water Research 41: 3643-3648.
156. Casarez, E., S.D. Pillai, J. Mott, M. Vargas, K. Den and G. DiGiovanni (2007). Direct comparison of four bacterial source tracking methods and use of composite data sets. Journal of Applied Microbiology 103: 350-364.
157. Ic, E., B. Kottapalli, J. Maxim, and S.D. Pillai (2007). Electron beam irradiation of dried fruits and nuts to reduce yeast and mold bioburden. Journal of Food Protection 70: 981-985
158. Widmer, K.W., P. Jesudhasan, S.E. Dowd and S.D. Pillai (2007). Virulence –Related Gene Expression in a Salmonella enterica Serotype Typhimurium LuxS Mutant in Response to AI-2, and a Poultry Meat -derived AI-2 Inhibitor using Microarray-based Analysis. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 4: 5-15.
159. Pillai, S.D., K. Venkateswaran, M. Cepeda, K. Soni, S. Mittasch* J. Maxim, and S. Osman (2006) High energy (10 MeV) electron beam ionizing irradiation to decontaminate spacecraft components and materials for planetary protection. Proceedings of the IEEE Aerospace Conference. March. 9 pp.
160. Corapcioglu, M.Y., J.R. Vogel, C.L. Munster, S.D. Pillai, S. Dowd, and S.Wang. (2006) Virus transport experiments in a sandy aquifer. Water, Air, Soil, Pollution 169: 47-65.
161. Vega, E., J. Smith, J. Garland, A. Matos and S.D. Pillai (2005). Variability of Virus Attachment Patterns to Butterhead Lettuce. Journal of Food Protection. 68: 2112-2117
162. Lu, L., M. Hume, and S.D. Pillai (2005) Autoinducer 2-like Activity on Vegetable Produce and its Potential Involvement in Bacterial Biofilm Formation on Tomatoes. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 2: 242-249.
163. Duffy, E.A. L. Cisneros-Zevallos, A. Castillo, S. D. Pillai, S. C. Ricke, and G. R. Acuff (2005). Survival of Salmonella Transformed to Express Green Fluorescent Protein on Italian Parsley as Affected by Processing and Storage. Journal of Food Protection 68: 87-95
164. Lu, L., M. Hume, and S.D. Pillai (2005) Autoinducer 2-like activity in poultry-associated enteric bacteria in response to subtherapeutic antibiotic exposure. Avian Diseases 2005 9(1):74-80
165. E. A. Duffy, L. M. Lucia, J. M. Kells, A. Castillo, S. D. Pillai, and G. R. Acuff (2005). Concentrations of E.coli and genetic diversity and antibiotic resistance profiling of Salmonella Isolated from Irrigation Water, Packing Shed Equipment, and Fresh Produce in Texas. Journal of Food Protection 68: 70-79.
166. Widmer, K.W., D. Srikumar and S.D. Pillai (2005). Artificial Neural Networks to Accurately Identify Cryptosporidium Oocysts and Giardia Cysts Images. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 71:80-84
167. Lu, L., M.E. Hume, K.L. Sternes, and S.D. Pillai (2004) Genetic diversity of Escherichia coli isolates in irrigation water and associated sediments: implications for source tracking. Water Research. 38: 3899-3908.
168. Paul, S., P. K. Haan, M. D. Matlock, S. Mukhtar, and S. D. Pillai (2004). Analysis of the HSPF water quality parameter uncertainty in predicting peak in-stream fecal coliform concentrations. Transactions of the ASAE.47: 69-78.
169. Sobsey, M.D., M.V. Yates FC, Hsu, G, Lovelace, D. Battigelli, A. Margolin, , S.D. Pillai, and N. Nwachuku (2004) Development and evaluation of methods to detect coliphages in large volumes of water. Water Sci Technol. 50:211-217.
170. Shen, S., W. Berry, S. Jaques, S. Pillai, and J. Zhu. 2004. Differential expression of iodothyronine deiodinase type 2 in growth plates of chickens divergently selected for incidence of tibial dyschondroplasia. Animal Genetics 35:114-118
171. Lu, L., M.E. Hume and S.D. Pillai (2004) Autoinducer-2-like compounds and activity on selected produce, processed foods, and food additives. Journal of Food Protection 67: 1457-146
172. Makuch-Schulze, D., Bowman, R., Pillai, S.D., and Guan, H. (2003). Field evaluation of the effectiveness of surfactant modified zeolites and iron-oxide coated sands for removing viruses and bacteria from groundwater. Groundwater Monitoring and Remediation:23:68-75.
173. Guan, H., Schu1ze-Makuch, D., Schaffer, S., and Pillai, S.D. (2003). The effect of critical pH on virus fate and transport in saturated porous medium. Groundwater. 41: 701-708.
174. Roe, M.T*., J.A. Byrd, D.P. Smith, and S.D. Pillai. 2003. Class 1 and Class 2 integron in poultry carcasses from broiler houses and poultry processing environments. Journal of Food Protection. 66(8): 1426-1431
175. Roe, M.T., E. Vega and S.D. Pillai. 2003. Antimicrobial resistance markers of Class1 and Class 2 integron-bearing Escherichia coli from irrigation water and associated sediments. Emerging Infectious Diseases 9 (7): 822-826.
176. Endley, S*., E. Johnson, and S.D. Pillai. 2003. A simple method to screen cilantro and parsley for fecal indicator viruses. Journal of Food Protection 66(8): 1506-1509
177. Nutt, J.D., S.D. Pillai, C.L. Woodward, K.L. Sternes, I.B. Zabala-Diaz, Y.M. Kwon and S.C. Ricke. 2003. Use of a Salmonella Typhimurium hilA fusion strain to assess effects of environmental fresh water sources on virulence gene expression. Water Research 37: 3319-3326.
178. Vega, E., B. Lesikar and S.D. Pillai (2003). Transport and survival of bacterial and viral tracers through submerged-flow constructed wetland and sand-filter system. Bioresources Technology. 89: 49-56
179. Schulze-Makuch, D., H. Guan and S.D. Pillai. (2003) Effects of pH and geological medium on bacteriophages MS2 transport in a model aquifer. Geomicrobiology Journal. 20: 73-84
180. Endley, S,E., E. Vega, L. Lingeng, M. Hume and S.D. Pillai (2003). Male-specific coliphages as an additional fecal contamination indicator for screening fresh carrots. Journal of Food Protection. 66: 88-93.
181. Espinosa, I. Y., and S.D. Pillai. (2002). Impaction-based sampler for detecting male-specific bacteriophages in bioaerosols. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 10: 117-127
182. Nutt, J.D., K.L. Medvedev., C.L. Woodward, S.D. Pillai and S.C. Ricke. 2002. Assessment of laboratory media controls for determining Salmonella virulence potential of poultry water sources using HilA::lacZY fusion strain.Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 10: 173-184.
183. Maciorowski, K.G., S.D. Pillai, and S.C. Ricke. (2002). Polymerase chain reaction detection of bacterial ribosomal genes from animal feeds. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 82: 1398-1404
184. Maciorowski, K.G., S.D. Pillai and S.C. Ricke. (2002). Comparison of media and a liquid extraction step on bacterial recovery from animal feeds. Journal of Environmental Science & Health. B37(3): 255-264
185. Maciorowski, K.G., S.D. Pillai, and S.C. Ricke. (2002). Rapid assessment of poultry feed microbial quality using polymerase chain reaction detection of microbial ribosomal gene sequences. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 10: 9-18
186. Maciorowski, K.G., S.D. Pillai, F.T. Jones, and S.C. Ricke. (2002). Low nutrient R2A culture medium for bacterial enumeration from poultry feeds. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 10: 59-68
187. McGilloway, R.W. Weaver, D.W Ming and S.D. Pillai. (2002). A PCR-MPN based quantitative approach to enumerate nitrifying bacteria in zeoponic substrates. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology. 10:49-58
188. Schulze-Makuch, D., S.D. Pillai, H. Guan, R. Bowman, E. Couroux, F.Hielscher, S. Emmert, J. Totten, I. Y. Espinosa, and T. Kretzchmar. (2002). Surfactant modified zeolite can protect drinking water wells from viruses and bacteria. EOS-Transactions American Geophysical Union. 83: No.18.
189. Widmer, K.W., K.H. Oshima, and S.D. Pillai (2002). Identification of C .parvum oocysts using an artificial neural network approach. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 68: 1115-1121
190. McDaniel, J., and S.D. Pillai. (2002). Gel Alignment and band scoring for DNA fingerprinting purposes using Adobe Photoshop. Biotechniques 32: 120-123.
191. Maciorowski, K.G., S.D. Pillai and S.C. Ricke (2002). Adaptation of nucleic acid extraction methods for animal feeds. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 9: 217-227.
192. McElroy, W., E. Cabello and S.D. Pillai. (2001). Efficacy of an immuno-magnetic system for recovering Cryptosporidium oocyts from differently textured soils. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 9: 63-70
193. Maciorowski, K.G., S.D. Pillai and S.C. Ricke. (2001). Presence of bacteriophages in animal feed as indicators of fecal contamination. Journal of Environmental Science and Health B36(5): 699-708
194. Endley, S., J. Pena, S.C. Ricke, and S.D. Pillai. (2001) The applicability of hns and fimA primers for detecting Salmonella spp. in bioaerosols associated with animal and municipal wastes. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology.17:363-379
195. Schijven, J.F., S.M. Hassanizadeh, S.E. Dowd, and S.D. Pillai. (2001). Modeling virus adsorption in batch and column experiments. Quantitative Microbiology 2: 5-20
196. Maciorowski, K.G., S.D. Pillai and S.C. Ricke. (2000). Efficacy of a commercial PCR-based assay for detection of Salmonella spp. in animal feeds. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 89: 710-718.
197. Kwon, Y.M., C. L. Woodward, S.D. Pillai, J. Pena, D.E. Corrier, J.A. Byrd, and S.C. Ricke. (2000). Litter and aerosol sampling of chicken houses for rapid detection of Salmonella typhimurium contamination using gene amplification. Journal of Industrial Microbiology &. Biotechnology. 24: 379-382.
198. Kwon, Y.M., C.L. Woodward, D.E. Corrier, J.A. Byrd, S.D. Pillai, and S.C. Ricke. (2000). Recovery of a marker strain of Salmonella typhimurium in litter and aerosols from isolation rooms containing infected chickens. Journal of Environmental Science & Health. B35(4) 517:525.
199. Pillai, S.D., K.W. Widmer, L.J. Ivey, K.C. Coker, E. Newman, S. Lingsweiler, D. Baca, M. Kelley, D. S. Davis, N. J. Silvy, and L. G. Adams.(2000). Failure to identify non-bovine reservoirs of Mycobacterium bovis in a region with a history of infected dairy-herds. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 43:53-62.
200. Dowd, S.E., C.P. Gerba, I.L. Pepper and S.D. Pillai. (2000). Bioaerosol transport modeling and risk assessment in relation to the land placement of biosolids. Journal of Environmental Quality. 29:343-348
201. Kwon, Y.M., C.L. Woodward, J. Pena, D.E. Corrier, S.D. Pillai, and S.C. Ricke. 1999. Comparison of methods for processing litter and air filter matrices from poultry houses to optimize polymerase chain reaction detection of Salmonella typhimurium. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 7: 103-111.
202. Mazari-Hiriat, M., B. Torres-Beristain, E. Velazquez, J.J. Clava, and S.D. Pillai. 1999. Bacterial and viral indicators of fecal pollution in Mexico City’s southern aquifer. Journal of Environmental Science &. Health. A34(9): 1715-1735.
203. Bader, J.L., G. Gonzalez, P.C. Goodell, A.S. Ali, and S.D. Pillai.(1999) Aerobic reduction of hexavalent chromium in soil by indigenous microorganisms. Bioremediation Journal. 3(3): 201-211.
204. Dowd, S.E. and S.D. Pillai. (1999) Identifying the sources of biosolid derived pathogen indicator organisms in aerosols by ribosomal DNA fingerprinting. Journal of Environmental Science & Health (34A):1061-1074.
205. Pena, J. S.C. Ricke, C.L. Shermer, T. Gibbs, and S.D. Pillai. (1999) A gene amplification-hybridization sensor based methodology to rapidly screen aerosol samples for specific bacterial gene sequences. Journal of Environmental Science & Health. 34(A): 529-556.
206. Maciorowski, K.G., J. Pena, S.D. Pillai and S.C. Ricke. (1998) Application of gene amplification in conjunction with a hybridization sensor for rapid detection of Salmonella typhimurium in animal feeds. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 6: 225-238.
207. Bader, J.L., G. Gonzalez, P.C. Goodell, A.S. Ali, and S.D. Pillai. (1999) Chromium-resistant bacterial populations from a site heavily contaminated with hexavalent chromium. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 109: 263-276
208. Dowd, S.E., S.D. Pillai, S. Wang, And Y.M. Corapcioglu. (1998) Delineating the specific influence of viral isoelectric point and size on viral adsorption and transport through sandy soils. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 64: 405-410.
209. Dowd, S.E. and S.D. Pillai. (1997) Survival and transport of selected bacterial pathogens and indicator viruses under sandy aquifer conditions. Journal of Environmental Science & Health 32(A): 2245-2258
210. Dowd, S.E., and S.D. Pillai. (1997) A rapid viability assay for Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts for use in conjunction with indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) detection. Canadian Journal of Microbiol. 43: 658-662.
211. Pillai, S.D., K.W. Widmer, K.G. Maciorowski, and S.C. Ricke. (1997) Antibiotic resistance profilesof Escherichia coliisolated from rural and urban environments. Journal of Environmental Science & Health. 32(A):1665-1657
212. Dowd, S.E., K.W. Widmer, and S. D. Pillai. (1997) Thermotolerant clostridia as an airborne pathogen indicator during land application of biosolids. Journal of Environmental Quality. 26: 194-199.
213. Pillai, S.D., E. Rubio, and S.C. Ricke. (1996) Prevalence of fluoroquinolone resistant Escherichia coli in agricultural and municipal waste streams. Bioresources Technology. 58: 57-60.
214. Pillai, S.D., K.W. Widmer, S, Dowd and S.C. Ricke. (1996) Characterization of airborne microbial populations during land application of sewage sludge on arid lands. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.62: 296-299.
215. Pillai, S.D., and R.C. Mroz. (1995) Characterization of bacterial isolates from a shallow aquifer suspected to be contaminated by urban wastes. Journal of Environmental Science & Health. 30(A): 2159-2184.
216. Ricke, S.C., S.D. Pillai, K.W. Widmer and S.D. Ha. (1995) Clinoptilolite compounds as a retardant of bacterial pathogen survival in agricultural soils and water. Bioresources Technology.53:1-6.
217. Ha, S.D., S.D. Pillai and S.C. Ricke. (1995) Growth response of Salmonella spp. to cycloheximide amendment in media. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology. 4:77-85.
218. Ha, S.D., S.D. Pillai K.G. Macioroski, and S.C. Ricke. (1995) Cycloheximide as a media amendment for enumerating bacterial populations in animal feeds. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 4:95-105
219. Pillai, S.D., S.C. Ricke, D.J. Nisbet, D.E. Corrier and J.R. Deloach. (1994) A rapid method for screening Salmonella spp. in a chicken cecal background using gene amplification. Avian Diseases 38: 598-604.
220. Mroz, R.C., and S.D. Pillai. (1994) Bacterial populations in the groundwater on the US-Mexico border in El Paso County, Texas. Southern Medical Journal 102: 1214-1218.
221. Reif, T.C., M. Johns, S.D. Pillai, and M. Carl. (1994) Identification of virulent Bacillus anthracis spores using the polymerase chain reaction and a novel dual probe hybridization format. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 60: 1622-1625.
222. Pillai, S.D., K.L. Josephson, and I.L. Pepper. (1994) Comparison of three probe labeling methods to detect PCR amplification products. Journal of Rapid Methods and Automation in Microbiology 2: 299-309.
223. Pepper, I.L., K.L . Josephson, R.L. Bailey, M.D. Burr, S.D. Pillai, D. Tolliver, and S. Pulido. (1994) Measuring bacterial contaminants in ultrapure water: a rapid analytical method. Microcontamination. 12: 52-57.
224. Way, J., K.L. Josephson, S.D. Pillai, M. Abbaszadegan, C.P. Gerba, and I.L. Pepper.(1993) Specific detection of Salmonella by multiplex polymerase chain reaction. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 59: 1473-1479.
225. Pillai, S.D., K.L. Josephson, R.L. Bailey and I.L. Pepper. (1992) Specific detection of rhizobia in root nodules and soil using the polymerase chain reaction. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 24: 885-891.
226. Neilsen, J.W., K.L. Josephson, S.D. Pillai, and I.L. Pepper. (1992) Polymerase chain reaction and gene probe detection of the 2,4- dichlorophenoxyacetic acid degradation plasmid, pJP4. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 58: 1271-1275.
227. Josephson, K.L., S.D. Pillai, J. Way, C.P. Gerba, and I.L. Pepper. (1991) Fecal coliforms in soil detected by polymerase chain reaction and DNA:DNA hybridizations. Soil Science of America Journal 55: 1326-1332.
228. Pillai, S.D., K. L. Josephson, R.L. Bailey, C.P. Gerba, and I.L. Pepper. (1991) Rapid method for processing soil samples for polymerase chain reaction amplification of specific gene sequences. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 57: 2283-2286.
229. Pillai, S.D., and I.L. Pepper. (1990) Transposon Tn5 as an identifiable marker in rhizobia: survival and genetic stability of Tn5 mutant bean rhizobia under temperature stressed conditions in desert soils. Microbial. Ecology. 21: 21-33.
230. Pillai, S.D., and I.L. Pepper. (1989) Survival of Tn5 mutant bean rhizobia in desert soils: phenotypic expression of Tn5under moisture stress. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 22: 265-270.
Meeting Proceedings
231. Reimers, R.S., Y.Xu, S.D. Pillai, K.B.Fitzmorris-Brisolara, J.A. Oleszkiewicz and G. Seidl.2013 Future directions biosolids management of the second decade of the 21st century. WEFTEC 2013
232. Rambo, C., C. Praveen, P. Jesudhasan, R. Reimers and S.D. Pillai 2013. Application of high energy electron beam and chemical oxidants to destroy endocrine disrupting compounds and inactivate (pathogenic) microorganisms in wastewater effluent and biosolids. WEF Disinfection and Public Health Conference. February
233. Kari B. Fitzmorris, Robert S. Reimers, Suresh D. Pillai, Jan A. Oleszkiewicz and James E. Smith. . Production of safe biosolids from agricultural and municipal residuals: emerging physical-chemical processes. Moving Forward: Wastewater Biosolids Sustainability. Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada. June 2007
234. Robert S. Reimers, Kari B. Fitzmorris, Suresh D. Pillai, Jan A. Oleszkiewicz and James E. Smith. Emerging Chemical Processes to produce Value-Added Products (VAPs) from Manure and Municipal Residuals. Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference 2007, WEF, Denver, CO. April.
235. Acquston, B.A., Reimers, R.S., Smith, J.E. and Pillai, S.D., 2006. “Factors Affecting Disinfection and Stabilization of Sewage Sludge,” Symposium on Biosolids, WEFTEC, Dallas, Texas, WEF, Alexandria, Virginia, CD-ROM
236. Reimers, R.S., Pillai, S.D., Bowman, D.D., Fitzmorris, K.B. and Pratt, L.S. “Stressors Influencing Disinfection in Residuals”. Disinfection 2005 – Sharing Disinfection Technologies: Water, Wastewater, and Biosolids. Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, VA, CD-ROM.
237. Reimers, R.S., Sharma, V.K., Pillai, S.D., Reinhart, D.R., Boyd, G.G., and Fitzmorris, K.B., “Application of Ferrates in Biosolids and Manures Management with respect to Disinfection and Stabilization,” Joint Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference 2005 – Advancing the State of Technology, Water Environment Federation, Alexandria, VA, CD-ROM.
238. Pillai, S.D. Drinking Water and Infectious Diseases: Control Strategies. Food Protection 2003-International Conference. Lisbon, Portugal. May.
239. Schulze-Makuch, D., Pillai, S.D., Bowman, R., Guan, H., Couroux, E., Hielscher, F., Totten, J., Espinosa, I.Y. and Kretzchmar, T.G. Virus removal using permeable barriers in a constructed wetland. Conference Proceedings of the 3rdAnnual Rio Bravo/Rio Grande Environmental Conference. S. Padre Island, Texas. February, 2002
240. Schulze-Makuch, D., Pillai, S.D., and Kretzschmar, T.G. Removal of viruses using constructed wetlands. Conference of the Southwest Center for Environmental Research and Policy; Mexicali, Mexico, Oct. 17-19, 2001
241. Pillai, S.D. and N. Nwachuku (2000). Field testing of coliphage methods for screening groundwater for fecal contamination. Proc. Am. Water Quality and Technology Conf. Salt Lake City, UT.
242. Pillai, S.D., and E. Vega. Pathogen removal with on-site wastewater treatment technologies. Proceedings of the, “Alliance for environmental stewardship: a comprehensive approach”.
243. Pillai, S.D., and J.L. Bader. Removal of hexavalent chromium from soil slurries under aerobic conditions by indigenous soil microorganisms. NIEHS SuperFund Symposium on Risk considerations for Environmental Health and Safety. Tucson, AZ. January.
244. Vogel, J.R., S.E. Dowd, C.l. Munster, S.D. Pillai, and M.Y. Corapcioglu. Large scale virus transport through a sandy aquifer. ASCE Meetings.
245. Pillai, S.D. Monitoring airborne microbial pathogens and indicators. “Effects of land application of biosolids in arid and semi-arid environments, Colorado State University, Ft. Collins, CO.
246. Pillai, S.D. Recent Advances in DNA based detection of food borne pathogens. Texas ASM Food Safety Symposium. College Station, December.
247. Pillai, S.D., Microbiological research on transboundary water quality problems at El Paso. Proceedings of the Workshop on Enviromental issues of the US-Mexico border region. Sponsored by Texas Water Resources Institute.
248. Pillai, S.D. The fate of microbial pathogens in soils and water. Proc. Primer Minisimposium internacional sobre remocion de contaminantes de aguas y suelos. (eds.) Kuppusamy I., and De Bazua, C.D. Mexico City. June.
249. Pillai, S.D. Molecular techniques for the sanitary and environmental engineering industries Proc. I Congreso Internacional de Aidis de Norte America Y Del Caribe. Mexico City. October.
250. Pepper I.L., K.L. Josephson, R.L. Bailey, M.D. Burr, S.D. Pillai, D. Tolliver, and S. Pulido. A rapid and systematic analytical method for measuring bacterial contaminants in ultrapure water. Proc. Microcont. Cont. Conf. p. 60-62. Santa Clara. March.
1. 2020 Cleaning, healing, feeding and shaping this world and beyond using electron beam technology. Brigham Young University- American Nuclear Society Section March
2. 2020 What is death in bacteria? Brigham Young University – Department of Nutrition, Dietetics and Food Science. March
3. 2019 Electron beam technology for mango exports and imports. 2nd International Mango Conference. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. November
4. 2019 Low energy electron beam technology: an off-ramp away from gamma sources for the food industry. IAEA Consultants meeting. Vienna Austria. October
5. 2019 Electron beam technology for the degradation of persistent organic contaminants such as PFAS. CA-NV Section meeting of the American Water Works Assn. San Diego. October
6. 2019 High energy electron beam technology for ex-situ remediation of per and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS) Tihany Conference, Budapest, May
7. 2018 Electron beam technology for ensuring public health, animal health and environmental quality. 14th Arab Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy. Sharm El-Sheikh. Egypt. December
8. 2018 Activities at the National Center for Electron Beam Research at Texas A&M University promoting electron beam technology. Technical meeting of the IAEA Collaborating Centers, Vienna, Austria. December
9. 2018 Using synthetic biology to feed billions. International Conference on Biotechnological Research and Innovation for Sustainable Development. Hyderabad, India. November
10. 2018 Electron beam treatment of wastewater and biosolids: current state of the science. Fermilab, Batavia, Il. May
11. 2018 Reduction and elimination of organic pollutants by electron beam irradiation. IAEA Technical Meeting on Irradiation Technologies for Organic Pollutant Degradation. Suzhou, China, October
12. 2018 Water Reuse Trends in the US. Erasmus Program Lecturer. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw, Poland. August
13. 2018 Beneficial and high value reuse of sewage sludges. Erasmus Program Lecturer. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw, Poland. August
14. 2018 Emerging trends in microbial pathogen detection in sewage samples. Erasmus Program Lecturer. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw, Poland. August,
15. 2018 Emerging pathogens in municipal sewage sludges and associated infections. Erasmus Program Lecturer. Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, Warsaw, Poland. August
16. 2018 Electron Beam (eBeam) as a disruptive technology for the pre-treatment for anaerobic digestion. Singapore Water Week. Singapore, August
17. 2018 Molecular responses of selected bacterial pathogens as a function of electron beam dose and energy.. IAEA Technical Meeting on Biohazards. Vienna, Austria. June
18. 2018 Molecular responses to varying linac energy sources and advance IAEA Collaborating Centre activities. Bangkok, Thailand, June
19. 2017 Current status and activities at NCEBR at Texas A&M University. IAEA Technical Meeting on Collaborating Centres. Vienna, Austria. November,
20. 2017 Food irradiation and electron beam technology. UNAP , Puno, Peru November
21. 2017 Introduction to whole genome sequencing. 2017 Dubai Food Safety Conference, Dubai. November
22. 2017 Electron beam (eBeam) Technology –a newer approach for the pasteurization of food. Long Horn Division of IFT. Dallas, Texas , September
23. 2017 Pathogen metabolomic fluxes during food processing conditions. International Assn. Food Protection. Tampa, FL August
24. 2017 Photons to electrons: the rapidly evolving food irradiation technologies and consumer perceptions. Society for Applied Microbiology-Summer Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK., June
25. 2017 The research and outreach program at the NCEBR as it relates to environmental quality. INCT, Warsaw, Poland, June
26. 2017 The research and outreach program at the NCEBR as it relates to foods. INCT, Warsaw, Poland, June
27. 2017 The research and outreach program at the NCEBR as it relates to vaccines INCT, Warsaw, Poland, June
28. 2017 Economic aspects of accelerators implementation. IAEA Summer School on Accelerators. Warsaw, Poland June
29. 2017 Electron accelerators for control of biohazards. IAEA Summer School on Accelerators. INCT, Warsaw, Poland. June 2017
30. 2017 Just Beam it! – Electron beam technology as a platform technology. Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje. Macedonia. June
31. 2017 Electron Beam technology- CIAD, Hermosillo, Mexico June
32. 2017 Increasing the long-term productivity of Conacyt-Funded partnerships. Santa Clara, Mexico, June
33. 2017 Microbial inactivation in food products, NIH Safety Symposium, Bethesda, MD May,
34. 2017 eBeam technology for the water and wastewater industries. Webinar – May,
35. 2017 Examples of public-private partnerships in electron beam technology support of the sustainable development goals. IAEA International Conference on Technical Cooperation Programme Sixty Years and Beyond: Contributing to Development. Vienna, Austria. May,
36. 2017 Efficacy of electron beam irradiation to address emerging microbial contaminants in water reuse programs. International Conference on Applications of Radiation Science and Technology, Vienna, Austria, April
37. 2017 Are microbes responsible for criminal behavior? TEDx –TAMU Conference. April 2017
38. 2017 Molecular responses to varying linac energy sources. IAEA RCM Meeting on Machine sources. Strasbourg, France, March
39. 2016 Microbial inactivation with eBeam, 2016 BD Sterilization Summit, Canaan, CT. Nov.
40. 2016 National Center for eBeam Research: eBeam in food and other industries, 2016 BD Sterilization Summit, Canaan, CT, Nov
41. 2016 High energy eBeam irradiation for addressing emerging organic pollutants in water reuse program. IAEA Technical Meeting, Budapest, Hungary. August
42. 2016 Technologies to facilitate salt removal and wastewater recycling. Annual Meeting, International Association of Food Protection, St. Louis, July
43. 2016 The Next big thing: A cornucopia of potential threats to the food system. Annual Meeting, International Association of Food Protection, St. Louis, July
44. 2016 Understanding electron beam (eBeam) technology to enhance applications. Annual Meetings, Institute of Food Technologists. Chicago, Il. June
45. 2016 Make collaborations great again. University of Saskatchewan, Canada. April
46. 2016 Irradiation as a platform technology for economic growth and development, Colombo, Sri Lanka, March
47. 2016 Perspectives of point-of-entry- irradiation programs. Chapman University, CA, March
48. 2016 Electron beam technology. Dallas Water Utilities, City of Dallas, February
49. 2016 Global eBeam solutions. Merida, Mexico, February
50. 2016 Significant expansion of water reuse using electron beam (eBeam) technology. Texas A&M AgriLife Research Water Seed Grant Final Report Symposium. College Station, Texas. January
51. 2015 eBeam technology applications at the National Center for Electron Beam Research. Texas Radiation Advisory Council, Austin, Texas December
52. 2015 Food irradiation version 3.0-moving beyond pathogen inactivation and consumer studies. Tihany Symposium on Radiation Chemistry. Hungary. August
53. 2015 An overview of radiation technology-related educational programs in US universities. IAEA, Vienna, July.
54. 2015 Electron beam irradiation of municipal wastes. DOE Workshop on Energy and Environmental Applications of Accelerators. Argonne National Laboratory. Chicago, June
55. 2015 Bacterial quorum sensing as a target for pathogen and biofilm control. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting. Chicago, June
56. 2015 Preservation techniques to reduce food loss. In: TAMU COALS Grand Challenges Mini Symposium. Texas A&M University May,
57. 2015 Just Beam It! PechaKucha 20X20- Bryan. March
58. 2015 Electron Beam Technology for Substantially Increasing Mexico’s Fruit and Vegetable Export. “Encounters in the Orchard” Conacyt-Michoacan project’s Seminar Series. CIDAM, Michoacan, Mexico, January
59. 2014 Microbial pathogens and surrogate indicator organisms in raw sewage sludge across the United States. WEF Webinar. November
60. 2014 Quantitative microbial risk assessment (QMRA) as a framework to address contemporary food safety issues. TAMU Nutrition and Food Science Seminar Series. October. College Station, Texas.
61. 2014 Just Beam it! eBeam as a platform technology. TAMU Poultry Science Brown-Bag Seminar Series. September, College Station, Texas
62. 2014 A Holistic approach of ensuring public health, animal health, and environmental health using electron beam as a bioprocessing platform. 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses. Lille, France. September
63. 2014 Just Beam it! TAMU Environmental Health and Safety Association. College Station, Texas. August.
64. 2014 Development in radiation treatment of biohazard contaminants. Technical Experts meeting. IAEA. Vienna, Austria. August
65. 2014 Emerging trends in the use of radiation technologies. Technical experts meeting on Green technologies IAEA, Vienna, Austria. June
66. 2014 Experience with eBeam treatment of food at Texas A&M University. IAEA Consultants Meeting on machine sources. IAEA, Vienna, Austria .May
67. 2014 National Center for Electron Beam Research. Horia Hulubei Nuclear Research Institute, Bucharest, Romania. April
68. 2014 What is death in bacterial cells? TAMU Toxicology Seminar Series. February. College, Station, Texas.
69. 2014 Transformative impacts on one-health using electron beam as a platform technology. TAMU One-Health Program Selection process. College Station, Texas. February
70. 2013 Electronic pasteurization and vending machine foods. International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP). Shanghai, China. November
71. 2013 Accelerating eBeam technology commercialization: A US-Mexican case study. IAEA Scientific Forum-side event. Vienna, Austria. September
72. 2013 Bioplastics-Sustaining a marine environment. IAEA Scientific Forum “The Blue Planet-Nuclear Applications for a Sustainable Marine Environment”. Vienna, Austria. September
73. 2013 eBeam- a novel vaccine platform technology. Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology. Texas A&M University. September
74. 2013 Opportunities for eBeam technologies in One-Health. IAEA, Vienna, Austria, July
75. 2013 Reduction of public health risks from enteric viruses in fresh produce and shellfish using electron beam pasteurization. European meeting of the International Association of Food Protection (IAFP) Marseilles, France May
76. 2013 Electron beam opportunities in Mexico. Consulate of Canada, Mexico City April.
77. 2013 National Center for Electron Beam Research @ Texas A&M university- a campus resource for the polymer industry. Polymer Technology Center, TAMU. College Station, Texas. April
78. 2013 Modified atmosphere packaging and polymer integrity under electron beam irradiation conditions: mechanical and bioactive stability studies. IAEA, Vienna, Austria, April.
79. 2012 Electron beam business opportunities for Mexico and Latin America. International Finance Corporation. World Bank Group. Washington, D.C. January.
80. 2012 High energy electron beam irradiation for sludge disinfection. Concordia University. Montreal, Canada. January
81. 2012 Monitoring irrigation and packing shed water for microbial pathogens and indicator organisms. East Texas Commercial Fruit & Vegetable Conference, February Tyler, Texas. February
82. 2012 Biotechnology applications using biosolids. Water Environment Federation Conference. Raleigh, N. Carolina. March
83. 2012 Ensuring fruit and vegetable safety for Texans and Americans in the 21st century: the compelling need to think outside the box! Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center, TAMU. March
84. 2012 Electron beam food processing: moving from complaining to empowering. Kusadasi, Turkey. May
85. 2012 Electron beam processing of space foods. Annual Meetings of the IFT. Las Vegas. June
86. 2012 Peeling away the fresh produce hysteria using contemporary tools and technologies. International workshop on innovative solutions to the global safety of fresh produce. Copenhagen. Denmark. August
87. 2012 Food for the future: enhancing food safety. IAEA Scientific Forum-Food for the future. Vienna, Austria. September
88. 2012 Introduction to ionizing irradiation using electron beam (e-beam) and its applications. 2012 Korean Society of Plant Pathology International Conference. Seoul. S. Korea. October
89. 2012 Combined E-beam chemical oxidant technologies for treating organic pollutants in municipal wastewater: cost-benefit and business model development. IAEA Coordinated Research Group Meeting. Jeongeup. S. Korea. October.
90. 2012 Municipal biosolids for bioenergy. 5th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses. Taipei, Taiwan. October
91. 2012 Electron beam processing of space foods. TAMU chapter of Students for the exploration and development of space (SEDS). October.
92. 2012 Non-thermal food processing technologies for food safety applications. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. December
93. 2012 Comparison of e-beam and gamma irradiation. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. December
94. 2012 Sensitivity of murine norovirus and hepatitis A virus to ebeam irradiation in whole oysters and oyster homogenates. Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. December
95. 2012 Research and clearance of using 7.5 MeV x-ray facilities for food irradiation. Tianjin Institute of Technical Physics, Tianjin, China. December
96. 2012 Quantifying the reduction in potential health risks from poliovirus and rotavirus after ebeam irradiation.Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China. December
97. 2011 Pathogen indicators and the search for the perfect indicator organism. WEFTEC 2011. Los Angeles, CA. October
98. 2011 Identifying pathogens and pathogen surrogates in sewage using deep sequencing. 9th UNU & GIST Joint Programme Symposium, “Urban Water Quality – Challenges and Emerging Issues for Sustainable Cities. Gwangju, S. Korea. October
99. 2011 Deep sequencing of microbial populations: applications for food safety and human health. Kongkuk University. Seoul, S. Korea. October
100. 2011 Deep sequencing of microbial populations: applications for food safety and human health, Sookmyung Women’s University. Seoul, S. Korea. October
101. 2011 Electron Beam Technology. World Bank-International Finance Corporation, Mexico City. October
102. 2011 Trends and new technologies for sterilization processes. Tijuana Medical Cluster, Tijuana, Mexico. October
103. 2011 Combined E-Beam-Chemical Oxidant (EChO) technology for treating organic pollutants in municipal wastewater: cost-benefit and business model development. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Coordinated Research program Group meeting. Vienna, Austria. May.
104. 2011 Water issues: separating reality from fantasy. Food Safety Conference, Austin, Texas. May
105. 2011 Building on the CONACYT-Texas A&M University agreement to advance research collaboration and development. Texas A&M University-CONACYT Research Symposium. March
106. 2011 Electron Beam & X-Ray Irradiation Technologies. Sanaria Corp. Rockville, MD. March
107. 2011 Global Food Safety Reality-Today. Global Food Safety Conference. London, UK. February
108. 2011 Eavesdropping on microbial chatter. Institute of Food Technologists. Louisville Chapter. February
109. 2011 Electron beam technology for the development of irradiated vaccines for animal protection. Obihiro Agricultural University, Obihiro, Japan. January
110. 2010 What pathogens are present in sludge? WEFTEC, 2010. New Orleans, October
111. 2010 Introducing irradiated foods into hospitals: logistical, business, and technology considerations. The Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition, October
112. 2010 Food irradiation: Moving from complaining to empowering.Annual Meeting- CIRMS. Gaithersburg, MD, October
113. 2010 Developing better indicators for pathogen presence in municipal sludges, WEFTEC, New Orleans, September
114. 2010 Septic tanks to the Space station: Microbes and Humans. Kansas Environmental Health Association, Kansas City, September
115. 2010 Electron beam irradiation: Why now? Why here? Advanced Med Clear-Sedeco Conference, Tijuana, Mexico. August
116. 2010 Microbial Indicators in Muncipal wastewaters. Water Environment Federation Conference, Savannah, GA
117. 2010 Integrated monitoring and control of foodborne viruses in the United States food supply chains. IAFP meetings, Anaheim, CA July
118. 2010 Food Irradiation in the United States: Empowering Food Industry Decision Makers. American Nuclear Society Meeting, San Diego, CA June
119. 2010 Pathogens on produce: peeling away the hysteria. IFT Distinguished Lecturer presentation. IFT-Southeast branch meeting, Atlanta, GA. April
120. 2009 Electron Beam Technology for the Development of Irradiated Vaccines for Animal Protection. Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. Obihiro, Japan, December
121. 2009 Development of sterilized foods for hospital patients. Experts panel meeting. IAEA, Vienna, Nov
122. 2009 Development of generic irradiation doses for quarantine treatment using E-Beam, X-rays and Gamma Irradiation. IAEA Coordinated Research Project. Vienna, Austria. October
123. 2009 Empowering Billions with Food Safety and Food Security. International Conference on Peaceful uses of Atomic Energy. New Delhi Sept 29-Oct 1, 2009
124. 2009 Electron Beam Irradiation Technology- A sustainable clean/green technology for developing nations to ensure food safety and food security. International Conference on Electron Beam Irradiation. New Delhi, India. July 30-31, 2009
125. 2009 Technologies to Identify Potential Foodborne Pathogens: The Use of Metagenomics and Pyrosequencing in Food Matrices. Annual Meetings of the International Association of Food Protection. Grapevine, TX. July 12-15.
126. 2009 Irradiation of Produce. Annual Meetings of the North East Food and Drug Officials Association. Burlington, VT, May
127. 2009 Foods, Microbial Metagenomics, and Human Health: Unraveling the Unknowns. IFT Distinguished Lecture Series Baton Rouge, LA March
128. 2008 Microbial cell-signaling and its implications in foods. Institute of Food Technologists Distinguished Lecturer presentation. Portland Branch Meeting. Portland, OR December
129. 2008 E-Beam irradiation of fresh lettuce and spinach. Texas Growers Meetings San Antonio. December
130. 2008 Microbial transport under riverbank filtration. Joint Annual Meeting of the SSA-GSA-CSA. Houston, Texas October
131. 2008 E-Beam disinfection and stabilization of municipal biosolids. Workshop on Selecting a Class A Physical/Chemical Treatment for Biosolids. WEFTEC 2008. Chicago. October
132. 2008 Microbiological quality of irrigation water: separating fantasies from realities. International Association of Food Protection Annual Meetings. Columbus, OH. July
133. 2008 Electronic Pasteurization of Foods. Institute of Food Technologists Distinguished Lecturer presentation, New Jersey Branch Meeting. Princeton, NJ May.
134. 2008 Bioaerosols and the transmission of pathogens. Institute of Food Technologists Distinguished Lecturer presentation, Portland Branch Meeting. Portland, OR. February.
135. 2008 Road-map for developing and sustaining international cooperation in science education and training. Obihiro University. January
136. 2007 A call to action for ensuring food safety and security. International Conference on New Horizons in Biotechnology. Biotech Research Society of India and National Institute for Interdisciplinary Science & Technology . Trivandrum, November.
137. 2007 Monitoring Bioaerosols; Why can’t we get it right. WEFTEC. San Diego. CA October
138. 2007 Molecular detection of pathogens. Jiangsu Center for Disease Control. Nanjing, China. August 2007
139. 2007 Electron Beam irradiation of foods and ingredients. Institute for Application of Atomic Energy in Agriculture , Jiangsu Agricultural Science Academy. Nanjing, China August 2007
140. 2007 Produce Safety: Peeling away the hysteria. American Society for Microbiology. Toronto, Canada. June
141. 2007 Addressing food safety and food security: technological and human resource needs. Obihiro University of Agriculture & Veterinary Medicine. Obihiro, Japan. March
142. 2007 A call to action for ensuring food safety and food security. International Conference of Radiation Processing of Agro and Allied Products. New Delhi, India. February.
143. 2007 Food safety and food irradiation: global necessities for the 21st century. International Conference of Radiation Processing of Agro and Allied Products. Hyderabd, India. February
144. 2007 Eavesdropping on microbial chatter: Understanding cell signaling in Salmonella. International Conference on Recent Trends in Biotechnology. Kalasalingam University, India. January.
145. 2006 Factors influencing bioaerosol transport. Water Environment Research Foundation- WebSeminar. August.
146. 2006 Molecular detection and characterization of pathogenic microorganisms for a sustainable environment. 4th IERC Workshop on Environment and Sustainable Development, Gwangju, Korea, November .
147. 2006 Molecular detection and characterization of microorganisms. 2006 Int’l Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Biological and Environmental Chemistry. Gyeongju, Korea, October
148. 2006 Solving global food safety issues using electronic pasteurization. 50th Anniversary meeting of the Mexico Institute of Food Technologists. Mexico City. September
149. 2006 Microbial cell signaling. Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary, June
150. 2006 Microbial Cell Signaling and its Potential Applications in Bioprocesses. International Congress on Bioprocesses in the Food Industries. Patras, Greece. June
2006 Microbial chatter to forward contamination: microbiology in the 21st century. Poultry Science Department-USDA-ARS Seminar Series, Texas A&M University, February
151. Food safety and food irradiation: global necessities for the 21st century. Bhabha Atomic Research Center, Mumbai, India. February
2007 Food safety and food irradiation: global necessities for the 21st century. Kerala Agricultural University, Kerala, India
152. 2005 Ultrasonic technology for waste water disinfection. Texas A&M University-Conacyt Research Symposium. Mexico City. October
153. 2005 Microbial detection methods: Can we move from fantasy to reality? USEPA – Pathogen Equivalency Committee Retreat, Hueston Woods, OH, September
154. 2005 Molecular methods for microbial detection and characterization. DoD-DoE-EPA (SERDP/ESTCP) Molecular Biological Tools Workshop. Charlotesville, August
155. 2005 Protecting humans from microbial pathogens. USEPA. Office of Water, Washington DC. August.
156. 2005 Microbiology of Food Irradiation. Where do we go from here? Biotechnology Conference. Dallas. August .
157. 2005 Eavesdropping on microbial chatter. Institute of Food Technologists annual Meetings, New Orleans, LA, July
158. 2005 Crop and pre-harvest threats to food security. American Society for Microbiology Conference on Biodefense Research. Baltimore, MD. March
159. 2005 Food safety and environmental biotechnology opportunities. Tecnologico de Monterrey, (ITESM), Mexico City. March
160. 2005 Eavesdropping into microbial chatter: Institute of Food Technologists. Longhorn Chapter meeting. February
161. 2004 Bacterial Quorum Sensing: Shouldn’t we harness it for biotechnological applications? Biotechnology Division, Center of Scientific and Industrial Research, Trivandrum, India, November.
162. 2004 Bacterial quorum sensing. University of Madras, India, November
163. 2004 Bacterial populations in and around poultry processing plants. National Poultry Waste Management Symposium. Memphis, TN. October
164. 2004 Microbiology of food Irradiation. International Congress of Food Safety-2004. Reynosa (Mexico). October
165. 2004 Microbial detection methods: Can we move from fantasy to reality? Pathogen Workshop. WEFTEC, New Orleans, LA. October
166. 2004 Microbial quorum sensing on foods: interpreting language from noise. Annual Meetings of the International Association of Food Protection. Phoeniz, AZ. August
167. 2004 Antibiotic resistant organisms in food, environment and poultry. Annual Meetings of the Poultry Science Association Meetings. St. Louis, MO. July
168. 2004 Critical factors affecting the dairy industry development: supply chain food safety and quality assurance systems. Harbin Institute of Technology. China, July.
169. 2004 Food Irradiation: a solution to combat worldwide food-borne illnesses. International Congress of Bioprocessing in the Food Industry. Clermont-Ferrand, France, July
170. 2004 Detection of viruses in bioaerosols: sampling, sample processing and detection strategies. Microbial monitoring of the International Space Station Drinking Water Workshop. NASA-JPL. Pasadena, June
171. 2004 Molecular methods for microbial detection and characterization. Kansas State University. February
172. 2004 Bacterial quorum sensing and its role in antibiotic resistance development. University of Minnesota. November.
173. 2003 Viral contamination of drinking water: detection and control strategies. Food Protection-International Conference. Lisbon, Portugal. May
174. 2003 Surfactant –modified zeolites as microbial barriers. Bangalore, India. May
175. 2003 E-beam inactivation of viruses. Research Coordination Meeting. FAO-IAEA. Belfast, UK. April
176. 2003 Stability of viral nucleic acids in natural and man-made conditions. USEPA Expert Panel Workshop on Genetic Methods. Cincinnati, OH. January.
2001 Microbial Pathogens and Drinking Water- USEPA Quality Assurance Workshop.
177. Dallas. September.
2002 E-beam based inactivation of viruses- Innovative Approaches to Ground Water
a. Disinfection: Coliforms, Pathogens, and Contaminants. National Ground Water Associaton. September.
2003 Monitoring and Identifying antimicrobial resistance mechanisms in bacteria. Annual
178. Meetings of the Poultry Science Society of America. Delaware, August
179. 2002 Detection of E. coli 0157:H7 from environmental and food samples. Jiangsu
180. Province Center for Disease Prevention and Control. China. July
181. 2002 Molecular pathogen detection tools. Jiangsu Province Center for Disease Prevention
182. and Control. China. July
183. 2002 Microbial Source Tracking. Shanghai Medical University. China. July
184. 2002 Microbial pathogens and the aging municipal water infrastructure. International
185. Food Safety Conference, Lisbon, Portugal. Feburary.
186. 2002 Bioaerosols from biosolids: the knowns and the unknowns. Environmental Air quality
187. Workshop. Manhattan, Kansas. January
188. 2001 Microbial pathogens and the aging municipal water infrastructure. Food Microbiology Research Conference XVIII. Chicago, Ill. November
189. 2001 Microbiology of fruits and vegetables. Fresh Produce Food Safety Conference. Weslaco, February.
190. Rapid Detection Methodologies. Texas Poultry Processesors Workshop. Nacogdoches, Texas. April.
191. 2000 Removal and fate of specific microbial pathogens within onsite sewage systems. Texas On-site Wastewater Treatment Research Council. Waco, Texas. February.
192. 2000 Diarrhea, probes and integrons. Texas Science Partnership Program, Institute for Food Science & Engineering. Texas A&M University. October
1999 Microbial pathogens. The environment conference. Ansan city, S. Korea. November.
193. Structural integrity of naked viral RNA molecules: environmental and biological significance. Dept. of Soil, Water, and Climate. University of Minnesota, St. Paul. January
194. 1999 Virus transport in the subsurface: an elusive puzzle. Department of Geological Sciences. University of Texas at El Paso. September.
195. 1998 Removal of hexavalent chromium from soil slurries under aerobic conditions by indigenous soil microorganisms. NIEHS SuperFund Symposium on Risk considerations for Environmental Health and Safety. Tucson, AZ. January.
196. The fate and transport of microbial pathogens in the subsurface. Dept. of Soil Chemistry & Plant Nutrition. The Volcani Center. Bet-Dagan, Israel. August.
197. 1997 Microbial Pathogens in the Environment. Southern Region Water Quality Conference-Tulsa, Oklahoma, April
198. 1997 New (?) Threats to Drinking Water Quality. Southern Region Water Quality Conference- Tulsa, Oklahoma, April
199. 1996 Molecular detection of microbial pathogens:breakthroughs and challenges. 9th Munich Symposium. Viral zoonoses and foods of animal origin-a reevaluation of public health implications. Munich, Germany. September.
200. 1996 Molecular detection of microbial pathogens in the environment. Centro de Ecologia. Universidad Nacional de Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City. August.
201. 1996 The utility of molecular assays for understanding microbial gene expression in gastro-intestinal tracts. International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitation (IAMFES) Symposium, Seattle, July
202. 1996 Microbial contamination along the border: separating facts from fiction. Quality of Life on the Border Conference. El Paso, March.
203. 1996 Field Experiments and modeling of virus transport in the groundwater. NWRI-EPA Symposium. Washington, DC. March
204. 1995 New Mexico Border Health Office. Las Cruces, September
205. 1995 Microbial pathogens and environmental pollution along the Rio Grande. Old Questions needing new answers? Dept. of Soil and Water and Environmental Science. University of Arizona, Tucson. September
206. 1995 Monitoring airborne microbial pathogens and indicators. EPA Sponsored Symposium “Effects of land application of biosolids in arid and semi-arid environments. Ft. Collins,CO. May.
207. 1994 Recent Advances in DNA based detection of food borne pathogens. Texas Branch ASM- Food Safety Symposium. College Station, TX. December.
208. 1994 Microbiological research on transboundary water quality problems at El Paso. Workshop on Enviromental issues of the US-Mexico border region. Sponsored by Texas Water Resources Institute.
209. 1994 Improving microbial risk assessment using molecular methodologies. Environmental Toxicology Seminar Series, Biology Dept., Univ. of Texas at El Paso. September.
210. 1994 Amplification and detection of specific gene sequences associated with microbial pollution. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, Weslaco. July.
211. 1993 Understanding the microbiology of bioremediation. Sigma Xi Seminar Series. University of Texas at El Paso. October.
212. 1993 Gene amplification and gene probe detection of specific and conserved genetic sequences in environmental samples. Dept. of Biological Sciences, University of Texas at El Paso. Sept.
213. 1993 Molecular approaches to study microbial distribution and function in the environment. Dept. of Geological Sciences. University of Texas at El Paso. August.
214. 1993 Microbial biomarkers and their role in bioremediation studies. Faculty of Toxicology Seminar Series. Texas A&M University, College Station. July.
215. 1993 The fate of microbial pathogens in soils and water. Primer minisimposio internacional sobre remocion de contaminantes de aguas y suelos. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City. June.
216. 1993 Monitoring microbial pathogens in the environment. New Mexico State Univ. Mol. Biol. Seminar Series, Las Cruces, NM. Feb.
2016 Bhatia, S.S., C. Kerth, and S.D. Pillai. Benchmarking the minimum electron beam (eBeam) dose required to achieve sterility of space foods. International Meeting of Radiation Processing (IMRP), Vancouver, Nov
2016 Shayanfar, S., and S.D. Pillai. Opportunities and challenges of employing electron beam technology for fresh produce. International Meeting of Radiation Processing (IMRP), Vancouver, Nov
2016 Bhatia, S., S. Shayanfar and S.D. Pillai. Quantifying the effects of acid (pH 3.6) stress on non-O157 Shiga toxin producing E.coli strains. Annual Meeting, International Association of Food Protection. St. Loius, July.
2016 McCoy, J.A., and S.D. Pillai. Electron beam processing improves the microbiological safety and retains the sensory qualities of alfalfa sprouts. Annual Meeting, International Association of Food Protection. St. Loius, July.
2016 Ward, L., J. Samuel, E.van Schaik and S.D. Pillai. Transforming raw milk into safe milk using electron beam processing. Annual Meeting, International Association of Food Protection. St. Louis, July.
2016 Shayanfar, S., and S.D. Pillai. Metabolomic analysis of acid stress response in Shiga toxin producing E.coli O26:H11. Annual Meeting, International Association of Food Protection. St. Loius, July.
2015 Ward, L., and S.D. Pillai. Transforming milk into safe milk using electron beam processing. Texas branch meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Huntsville, October
2015 Bhatia, S.S., and S.D. Pillai. Benchmarking the minimum electron beam dose required to achieve sterility of space foods. Texas branch meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Huntsville, October
2015 Komorek, R., E. Link, J. McKelvey and S.D. Pillai. Use of a yeast estrogen screening assay to detect the reduction of estrogenic bioactivity in effluent through electron beam irradiation. Texas branch meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Huntsville, October
2015 Shayanfar, S., and S.D. Pillai. Metabolomic analysis of the responses of E.coli O26 to acid stress. Texas branch meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Huntsville, October
2015 Shayanfar, S., K. Mena, and S.D. Pillai. Reducing public health risks from non-O157 shiga toxin producting E.coli on strawberries by eBeam processing. Student Research Week, TAMU. January
2015 Bhatia, S.S., S. Shayanfar, and S.D. Pillai. 2015. Can non-O157 shiga toxin producing E.coli survive under low pH conditions. Student Research Week, TAMU. January
2014 Pillai, S.D. Microbial pathogens and surrogate indicator organisms in raw sewage sludge across the United States. WEF Webinar. November
2014 Pillai, S.D. A Holistic approach of ensuring public health, animal health, and environmental health using electron beam as a bioprocessing platform. 6th International Forum on Industrial Bioprocesses. Lille, France. September
2014 Pillai, S.D. Empowering Decision-Making on Commercial Adoption of Food Irradiation Technologies. International Symposium on Food Safety and Quality: Applications of Nuclear and Related Techniques. November. Vienna, Austria
2014 Shayanfar, S., B. Smith, K. Mena and S.D. Pillai. Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment to Accelerate Adoption of Electron Beam Technologies for Fresh Produce Safety and Quality in the United States. International Symposium on Food Safety and Quality: Applications of Nuclear and Related Techniques. November. Vienna, Austria
2014 Shayanfar, S., C. Harzman and S.D. Pillai. Rapid detection of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in fruit juice matrix using a real-time PCR assay. FoodMicro 2014. Nantes, France
2014 Prince, D., C. Praveen and S.Pillai. Microbial levels and fecal contamination indicators in restaurant salads: correlations between salad type, restaurant ownership and customer traffic volumes. IAFP Annual Meeting. August
2014 Prince, D., A-S Rambo, C. Praveen and S. Pillai. Genetic relatedness of E.coli and male-specific coliphages fecal contamination sources in salads from corporate and locally owned restaurants. IAFP Annual Meeting. August
2014 Shayanfar, S., and S.D. Pillai. Bioplastics and MAP to Enhance Sustainable Packaging and Food Quality: The Role of Electron Beam Technology as a Platform Technology Enhancing Packaging Materials and Food Quality. IFT Annual Meetings. June, New Orleans
2014 Smith, B., S. Shayanfar, and S.D. Pillai. Synergistic enhancement of quality attributes of strawberries by combining modified atmosphere packaging and electron beam (eBeam) processing for foods targeting cancer patients. IFT Annual Meeting. June. New Orleans
2014 McCoy, J., S. Shayanfar, B. Smith and S.D. Pillai. Electron beam (eBeam) processing for assuring microbiological safety of high risk fresh produce. UnitedFresh 2014. June Chicago.
2013 Pillai, S.D. Electronic pasteurization and vending machine foods. International Meeting on Radiation Processing (IMRP). Shanghai, China. November
2013 Pillai, S.D. Biodegradable plastics. IAEA Scientific Forum. Vienna, Austria. September
2013 Reimers, R.S., Y.Xu, S.D. Pillai, K.B.Fitzmorris-Brisolara, J.A. Oleszkiewicz and G. Seidl. Future directions biosolids management of the second decade of the 21st century. WEFTEC September
2013 McCoy, J., and S.D. Pillai. Electron beam technology and microbiological safety of alfalfa sprouts. TAMU Engg-Life Symposium November
2013 Shayanfar, S., and S.D. Pillai. Packaging food science and engineering together by harnessing electron beam technology for novel foods and food packaging materials. TAMU Engg-Life Symposium November
2013 Smith, B., K.G. McElhany, R. Walzem and S.D. Pillai 2013. Electron beam processing of fresh fruits for neutropenic diets. IAFP Annual Meeting. August
2013 Uckoo, R.M., B. Smith, G.K. Jayaprakasha, S.D. Pillai, B.S. Patil. Electron beam irradiation of fresh cantaloupe under modified atmosphere extends the shelf life and maintains the quality. ASHS Conference July.
2008 Pillai, S.D. Interactions between Food Matrices and Microbial Gene and Protein. FoodMicro 2008 Aberdeen, Scotland. September
2008 Agoston, R., K. Soni, P. Jesudhasan, C.Farkas, S.D. Pillai. Proteomic analyses of the differential expression of proteins in Listeria monocytogenes during 48C heat shock and 60C temperature exposure. FoodMicro 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland. September
2008 Pillai, S.D. Food matrices and microbial responses: the importance of delineating the substract-activity-function-virulence relationships (SAFVR) of food-associated microorganisms. 2008 Annual Meetings of the International Society for Microbial Ecology, Cairns, Australia. August
2008 Lingeng, L., R. Bowman, J. Totten and S. D. Pillai. Surfactant-modified zeolites (SMZ) as a low-cost microbial pathogen barrier technology. Summer conference of the Society for Applied Microbiology. Belfast, UK July
2008 Widmer, K.W., P.R. Jesudhasan, T.A. Hans, M.L. Cepeda, S.D. Pillai. Influence of autoinducer-2 (AI-2) and poultry meat-derived fatty acids on the on the growth and virulence of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium. Annual Meetings of the International Association of Food Protection. Columbus, Ohio. July
2008 Lingeng, L., and S.D. Pillai. Cell signaling molecule AI-2 influences the transfer of tetracycline resistance gene in E. coli during sub-therapeutic antibiotic resistance exposure. ASM Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance in Zoonotic Bacteria and Foodborne Pathogens. Copenhagen, Denmark. June
2007 Agoston, R., K.Soni, K. Mcelhany, M.L. Cepeda, U. Zuckerman, S.Tzipori and S.D. Pillai. Continuous Flow Centrifugation (CFC) Technology for Pre-Analytical Sample Processing to Separate and Concentrate Bio-Threat Agents from Large Volumes of Milk. Texas branch meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Hunstville. November
2007 Davidson, M., M.L. Cepeda, P.R. Jesudhasan, J.L. McReynolds and S.D. Pillai. 2007. Utilization of High Energy Electron-beam Irradiation for the Production of Immuno-Modulators against Salmonella Enteritidis in Commercial Poultry. Texas branch meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. Hunstville. November
2007 Cepeda, M.L., K.A. Soni, P.R. Jesudhasan, B. Williams, M.E. Hume, W.K. Russell, A. Jayaraman, S.D. Pillai. Proteomic analysis of luxS/AI-2 mediated cellular response in Salmonella Typhimurium. ASM Conference on Cell-Cell Communication in Bacteria. Austin. October
2007 Jesudhasan, P.R., M.L. Cepeda, K.W. Widmer, S.E. Dowd, K.A. Soni, M.E. Hume, J. Zhu and S.D. Pillai. Autoinducer-2 controls virulence of Salmonella enteric serovar Typhimurium ASM Conference on Cell-Cell Communication in Bacteria. Austin. October
2007 Jesudhasan, P.R., M.L. Cepeda, K.W. Widmer, S.E. Dowd, K.A. Soni, M.E. Hume, J. Zhu and S.D. Pillai. DNA microarray analysis reveals crosstalk of Salmonella enteric serovar Typhimurium with AI-2 of Escherichia coli. ASM Conference on Cell-Cell Communication in Bacteria. Austin. October.
2007 Jesudhasan, P.R., M.L. Cepeda, K.W. Widmer, K.A. Soni, M.E. Hume, J. Zhu, J.M. Sturino S.D. Pillai. Gene regulation of Salmonella enteric serovar Typhimurium as influenced by LuxS/AI-2. ASM Conference on Cell-Cell Communication in Bacteria. Austin. October
2007 Widmer, K.W., P.R. Jesudhasan, T.A. Hans, M.L. Cepeda, S.D. Pillai. Influence of autoinducer-2 (AI-2) on the growth and virulence of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and modulation of these effects by poultry meat-derived fatty acids having AI-2 inhibitory properties. ASM Conference on Cell-Cell Communication in Bacteria. Austin. October
2007 Soni, K.A., P.R. Jesudhasan, M.L. Cepeda, B. Williams, M.E. Hume, W.K. Russell, A. Jayaraman, S.D. Pillai. Proteomic analysis to identify the role of luxS/AI-2 mediated protein expression in Escherichia coli O157:H7. ASM Conference on Cell-Cell Communication in Bacteria. Austin. October
2007 K.A. Soni, P.R. Jesudhasan, M.L. Cepeda, K.W. Widmer, G.K. Jayaprakasha, B.S. Patil, M.E. Hume, S.D. Pillai. Identification of ground beef-derived fatty acid inhibitors of autoinducer-2 (AI-2) based cell signaling. ASM Conference on Cell-Cell Communication in Bacteria. Austin. October
2007 Vikram, A., P.R. Jesudhasan P.R.,S.D. Pillai, G.K. Jayaprakasha, and B.S. Patil Inhibition of Bacterial Cell-Cell Communication and Biofilm formation by Citrus Bioactive Compounds. Rio Grande Valley Hort. Society; 61st Annual Meeting January 30th at the University of Texas - Pan American, Edinburg
2006 Lu, L., M.E. Hume and S.D. Pillai. A Non-Indole-based Airborne Quorum Sensing Molecule Can Confer Tetracycline Tolerance in Physically Separated Escherichia coli and Salmonella Newport strains. International Conference on Food Bioprocessing. Patras, Greece. June.
2006 Pillai, S.D. Microbial Cell Signaling and its Potential Applications in Bioprocesses. International Congress on Bioprocesses in the Food Industries. Patras, Greece. June
2006 Pillai, S.D. Molecular detection and characterization of pathogenic microorganisms for a sustainable environment. 4th IERC Workshop on Environment and Sustainable Development, Gwangju, Korea, November .
2006 Pillai, S.D. Molecular detection and characterization of microorganisms. 2006 Int’l Symposium and Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Applied Biological and Environmental Chemistry. Gyeongju, Korea, October
2006 Pillai, S.D. Factors affecting bioaerosols transport. . Annual Meetings of the American Society for Microbiology. Orlando. May
2006 Widmer, K.W., P. Jesudhasan, S.E. Dowd, and S.D. Pillai. Gene expression in Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium luxS mutant in response to quorum sensing signals and a poultry meat-derived quorum sensing inhibitor using microarray based studies. . Annual Meetings of the American Society for Microbiology. Orlando. May
2006 Venkateswaran, D., M.L. Cepeda, K. Soni and S.D. Pillai. Reliable detection of low levels of Listeria monocytogenes and E.coli O157:H7 in Ready to Eat (RTE) food using the Warnex molecular beacon assay. Annual Meetings of the American Society for Microbiology. Orlando. May
2006 Cepeda, M., and S.D. Pillai. Detection of Listeria monocytogenes and E.coli O157:H7 in wastewater effluent and aerobically digested sludges using the Warnex molecular beacon based assay. Annual Meetings of the American Society for Microbiology. Orlando. May
2005 Balasubramaniam, A., K. Soni, K. Venkateswaran, A. Beskok and S.D. Pillai. Microfluidic capture and concentration of bacteria from drinking water . Annual Meetings of the American Society for Microbiology. Atlanta. June
2005 Beskok, A., and S.D. Pillai. Microfluidic capture and concentration of bacteria from drinking water. Environmental Monitoring Conference. Baltimore. January
2004 Soni, K., P. Jesudhasan, L. Lu, M. Hume and S.D. Pillai 2005 AI-2 like activity mediated gene expression of virulence genes in E.coli 0157:H7 on ground beef. Texas branch meetings of the American Society for Microbiology, Houston, November.
2004 Pillai, S.D. Monitoring microbial pathogens using microfluidic devices: what are we missing? TEX-MEMS meeting. College Station, October
2004 Singh, R., and S.D. Pillai. Survival, attachment, and internalization of Salmonella Gaminara and Salmonella Agona on oranges. Annual Meetings, International Assn of Food Protection. Phoenix, AZ. August
2004 Pillai, S.D., R. Langford., D. S-Makuch., A.A. Fattah, and K. Widmer Tracer tests to understand microbial transport under riverbank filtration conditions. International Society for Microbial Ecology. Cancun, Mexico
2004 Lu, L., M. Hume and S.D. Pillai. Role of AI-2 like activity on antibiotic resistance development in E.coli under sub-therapeutic antibiotic exposure. International Society for Microbial Ecology. Cancun, Mexico
2004 Widmer, KW., D. Srikumar, and S.D. Pillai. Artificial Neural Networks to detect Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and Giardia lamblia cysts. Annual Meetings, American Society for Microbiology. New Orleans, May.
2003 Sobsey, M.D. S.D. Pillai, A. Margolin, D. Batigelli, S. Goyal, M.V. Yates, F-C, Hsu, , G. Lovelace and N. Nwachuku. Development and evaluation of methods to detect coliphages in large volumes of water. Int’l Assn of Water Quality meetings. Cape Town, S. Africa, September
2003 Lu, L, M. Hume and S.D. Pillai. Quorum sensing in Escherichia coli in response to subtherapeutic antibiotic exposure. Abstract. Annual Meetings of the American Society for
Microbiology. Washington, D.C. May
2003 Pillai, S.D. and I.Y. Espinosa. E-beam inactivation of RNA and DNA containing viruses. Abstract. Annual Meetings of the American Society for Microbiology. Washington, D.C. May
2003 Mena, K. D., and S.D. Pillai. Quantitative risk-based microbial standards for irrigation water quality. Abstract. Annual Meetings of the American Society for Microbiology. Washington, D.C. May
2003 Sternes, K.L., E. Sublasky and S.D. Pillai. Vancomycin resistant enterococci in irrigation water and sediments. Abstract. Annual Meetings of the American Society for Microbiology. Washington, D.C. May
2002 Sobsey, M., S.D. Pillai, A. Margolin, D. Battigelli, and N. Nwachuku. Optimization
of coliphages methods. Abstract. Annual Meetings of the American Society for
Microbiology. Salt Lake City, UT. May
2002 Espinosa, I.Y., and S.D. Pillai. Concentration and detection of bioaerosolized viruses. Abstract. Annual Meetings of the American Society for Microbiology. Salt Lake City, UT. May
2002 Endley, S.E. I.Y. Espinosa, and S.D. Pillai. Male specific coliphages as an indicator
of fecal contamination of cilantro and parsley. Abstract. Annual Meetings of the
American Society for Microbiology. Salt Lake City, UT. May
2002 Roe, M., C.M. Haas, and S.D. Pillai. Integron gene sequences on retail chicken
products. International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases.
Atlanta, GA, March
2002 Lu, L., S. Endley, M. Hume, K. Williams, M. Garcia and S.D. Pillai. Genetic
diversity of Salmonella and E. coli in irrigation water and sediments along the Texas-
Mexico border. International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases. Atlanta,
GA, March
2002 Vega, E., M.T. Roe and S.D. Pillai. Irrigation water and sediments as a source of
integron-bearing bacteria. Abstract. International Conference of Emerging Infectious
Diseases. Atlanta, GA, March
2002 Espinosa, I.Y., S.D. Pillai. Concentration and detection of bioaerosolized viruses.
Abstract. Annual Meetings of the American Society for Microbiology, Texas Branch
Meetings. San Antonio, TX. February
2002 Haas, C.M., J. Totten, M. Lorenz, and S.D. Pillai. Specificity and sensitivity of a 5’
nuclease assay to detect Salmonella spp. Annual Meetings of the American Society
for Microbiology, Texas Branch meetings. San Antonio, TX. February
2001 Kempf, M.J., F. Chen, M.S. Quigley, S. Pillai, R. Kern and K. Venkateswaran. Developing planetary protection technology: recurrence of hydrogen peroxide resistant microbes from spacecraft assembly facilities. Am. Geophysical Union. Ann. Meetings. San Francisco, Nov
2001 McGilloway, R.L., R.W. Weaver and S.D. Pillai. A molecular approach to enumerate nitrifying bacteria in ammonium saturated clinoptilolite. Am. Soc. Microbiol. Ann. Mtgs. Orlando, FL, May.
2001 Roe, M., A. Byrd, D. Smith and S.D. Pillai. Integron gene sequences within poultry farms and processing plants. Am. Soc. Microbiol. Ann. Mtgs. Orlando, FL, May.
2001 Rayburn, E.L., K.L. Sternes, R.P. Weidenfeld, and S.D. Pillai. Microbial pathogens in irrigation canals and associated sediments. Am. Soc. Microbiol. Ann. Mtgs. Orlando, FL, May.
2001 McDaniel, J.M., E.L. Rayburn, K.L. Sternes, R.P. Wiedenfeld and S.D. Pillai. Fecal contamination and genetic relatedness of E.coli strains in irrigation canals and sediments. Am. Soc. Microbiol. Ann. Mtgs. Orlando, FL, May.
2001 Sublasky, E., S.D. Pillai, R.P. Wiedenfeld, and K.L. Sterne. Antibiotic resistant enterococci in irrigation canals and sediments along the Rio Grande. Am. Soc. Microbiol. Ann. Mtgs. Orlando, FL, May.
2001 Endley, S., K.L. Sternes, B. Wiedenfeld, and S.D. Pillai. The presence of male specific coliphages in irrigation water along the Texas-Mexico border. Am. Soc. Microbiol. Ann. Mtgs. Orlando, FL, May.
2001 McElroy, W.E., S. Pillai, E. Cabello, and S. Hernandez. Variations in pathogenic and indicator organisms within drainage canals and the middle Rio GrandeRiver along the United States-Mexico border. Am. Soc. Microbiol. Ann. Mtgs. Orlando, FL, May.
2000 McGilloway, R.L., R.W. Weaver, S.D. Pillai, and D.W. Ming. A molecular approach to enumerate nitrifying bacteria in ammonium-saturated clinoptilolite. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Migs. Minneapolis, Nov
2000 Pillai, S.D., A. Herseim, A. Obenhaus, and A. Byrd. Male specific coliphages in poultry litter and on chick box trayliners. Poultry Science Assn. Ann. Mtgs. Montreal, Canada
2000 Widmer, K.W., K. Oshima, R. Hartley and S.D. Pillai. An artificial neural network approach to identify Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts. Am. Soc. Microbiol. Ann. Mtgs. Los Angeles, May.
2000 Vega, E., E. Cabello, S. Hernandez, B. Lesikar, and S.D. Pillai. On-site wastewater treatment technologies to remove microbial pathogens. Am. Soc. Microbiol. Ann. Mtgs. Los Angeles, May.
2000 McElroy, W.E., S.D. Pillai, E. Cabello, and S.Hernandez. Identifying the impact of drainage canal water quality on the Middle Rio Grande river along the United States-Mexico border. Am. Soc. Microbiol. Ann. Mtgs. Los Angeles, May.
2000 Pillai, S.D., S.Y. Park, D.R. Jackson, S.G. Birkhold, and S.C. Ricke. Advantages and limitations of a surface air system based sampler for monitoring and characterizing bioaerosols. Am. Soc. Microbiol. Ann. Mtgs. Los Angeles, May.
2000 Pena, J., K.W Widmer, L. Ivey and S.D Pillai. Avian species as transmission agents of Salmonella spp among dairy herds: genetic fingerprinting of Salmonella spp. isolates to identify probable reservoirs. Am. Soc. Microbiol. Ann. Mtgs. Atlanta, May.
1998 Valenzuela, R.B., and S.D. Pillai. Persistence of naked viral RNA molecules in groundwater.8th Intl symposium on Microbial Ecology. Nova Scotia. August.
1998 Valenzuela, R.B., and S.D. Pillai. Stability of naked viral RNA molecules under chlorine disinfection conditions. Water Quality Int'l. Vancouver. June.
1997 Ficht, T.A., V.S. Perumaalla, L. G. Adams, F. Suárez, D. Baca, J. Hernandez, H. Whitford, S. Pillai, K. Coker, E. Newman, N. Silvy, L. Ivey, D. Davis, and M. Kelley. RFLP Patterns in Mycobacterium bovis isolates from Texas and Mexico Suggest a Broad and Active Distribution. ASM Conference on Tuberculosis: Past, Present and Future. Copper Mountain, CO, July.
1997 Dowd, S.E., C. Munster, M. Corapcioglu, J. Vogel and S.D. Pillai. Novel laboratory approaches for delineating critical factors influencing subsurface viral transport. . Ann. Meetings. Am. Soc. for Microbiol. Miami Beach, May.
1997 Pillai, S.D., S.C. Ricke, K. Borello, C.L. Shermer and T. Gibbs. Detection of pathogenic bacterial genera in aerosols using gene amplification coupled to a novel dual probe hybridization assay. Ann. Meetings. Am. Soc. for Microbiol. Miami Beach, May.
1997 Dowd, S.E., F.C. Faries, F. Mitchell, L. Wickersham, A. Kinney and S.D. Pillai. The occurrence and fate of Cryptosporidium sp and Giardia sp. around confined animal feeding operations. Ann. Meetings. Am. Soc. for Microbiol. Miami Beach, May.
1996 Dowd, S.E. and S.D. Pillai. Survival and transport of selected bacterial pathogens and indicator viruses under sandy aquifer conditions. Int’l Assn of Water Quality Helath Related Water Microbiology Symposium. Mallorca, Spain. October.
1996 Dowd, S.E., M.Y. Corapcioglu, C. Munster, and S.D. Pillai. Laboratory studies and mathematical modeling of virus survival and transport in groundwater. Ann. Meetings. Am. Soc. for Microbiol. New Orleans, May.
1996 Dowd,S.E., K.W. Widmer, and S.D. Pillai. Use of Clostridium as an alternate pathogen indicator for monitoring airborne bacterial pathogens. Ann. Meetings. Am. Soc. for Microbiol. New Orleans, May.
1996 Alvarez, M., M. Aguilar, E. Camacho, P. Davis, T. Nardin, R. Valenzuela, and S.D. Pillai. Effect of pH on reversible inactivation of MS2 phage. Ann. Meetings. Am. Soc. For Microbiol. New Orleans, May.
1996 Gonzalez, G., J. Bader, P, Goodell, and S.D. Pillai. Relationship between chromium resistant microbial populations and chromium bioreduction in a heavily contaminated site.AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, El Paso, TX. March.
1996 Dowd, S.E., S.D. Pillai, and K.Widmer. The effects of commercial land application of sewage sludge on the air quality of a neighboring population center. AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, El Paso, TX. March.
1995 Widmer, S.C. Ricke and S.D. Pillai. Airborne microbial populations during land application of municipal sewage sludge. Ann. Meetings. Am. Soc. for Microbiol. Washington, D.C. May.
1995 Pillai, S.D., K.W. Widmer, and S.Dowd. Adsorption, survival and viability of selected microbial pathogens and indicators in aquifer material. Ann. Meetings. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. St. Louis, Nov.
1995 Pillai, S.D. Genetic relatedness of bacterial isolates in a shallow aquifer on the US-Mexico border as determined by ERIC-PCR analyses. Ann. Meetings Am. Soc for Microbiology. Washington, D.C. May.
1995 Pillai, S.D. Determination of groundwater contamination sources via amplification of conserved genetic sequences in aquifer microbial populations. Water for Texas Conference, Austin, TX. Jan.
1995 Maciorowski, K.G., S.D. Pillai and S.C. Ricke. 1995. Cycloheximide as a fungicide for Salmonella enumeration of poultry feeds on agar media. Ann. Meetings. Poultry Sci. Assn. Edmonton. Aug.
1995 Bader, J.L., P.C. Goodell, G. Gonzalez, S.D. Pillai and A.S. Ali. Attempts to achieve bioreduction of hexavalent chromium in batch cultures using contaminated soil from a Superfund site. Ann. Meetings. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. St. Louis, Nov.
1995 Alvarez, M.E., M. Aguilar, R. Macias, R. Rodriguez, and S.D. Pillai. Inactivating factors and reversible inactivation of MS2 bacteriophages in groundwater. Ann. Meetings. Am. Soc for Microbiology. Washington, D.C. May.
1994 Pillai, S.D., S.C. Ricke, D.J. Nisbet, D.E. Corrier, and J.R. Deloach. Rapid method for screening chicken cecal samples to detect Salmonella typhimurium using gene amplification. Ann. Meetings. Am. Soc for Microbiology. Las Vegas, NV. May.
1994 Ha, S.D., S.C. Ricke, and S.D. Pillai. Use of cycloheximide as a fungal inhibitor for bacterial enumeration of nonsterile poultry feeds under long term storage. Ann. Meetings. Poultry Science Association. Starkville, MS. Aug.
1994 Bader, J.L., P.C. Goodell and S.D. Pillai. Bioreduction of chromium in contaminated soils and potential application to the bioremediation of Cr (VI) contaminated sites. Ann. Mtgs. American Geophysical Union. Dec.
1993 Widmer, K.W., R.C. Mroz, and S.D. Pillai. Microbial contamination of groundwater on the US-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas. Ann. Meetings. ASA-CSSA-SSA. Cincinnati, OH. Nov.
1993 T. Reif, S.D. Pillai, and M. Carl. 1993. A polymerase chain reaction assay for identifying the capB gene of Bacillus anthracis. In: ASM Abstr. Ann. Meetings. Am. Soc. Microbiol. Atlanta, GA. May.
1993 Pillai, S.D. Molecular techniques for the sanitary and environmental engineering industries. Ist. Congreso Internacional de Aidis de Norte America Y Del Caribe. Mexico City. October.
1993 Pepper I.L., K.L. Josephson, R.L. Bailey, M.D. Burr, S.D. Pillai, D. Tolliver, and S. Pulido. A rapid and systematic analytical method for measuring bacterial contaminants in ultrapure water. Microcontamination Control Conference. Santa Clara. March.
1991 S.D. Pillai et al. Evaluation of three types of gene probes for detection of PCR amplified products. In: ASM Abstr. Ann. Meetings. Am. Soc. Microbiol. Dallas, TX. May.
1990 S.D. Pillai and I.L. Pepper. Application of polymerase chain reaction using Tn5 to study plant-microbe interactions. In: 5th Intl. Symp. on the Molecular Genetics of Plant-Microbe Interactions. Interlaken, Switzerland. Sept.
1990 D.W. Sammons et al. Separation and detection of organisms in soil and waste streams. In: NASA Symp. on waste processing in space for advanced life support. NASA Ames Research Center, CA. Sept.
1988 S.D. Pillai and I.L. Pepper. The survival of Tn5 mutant bean rhizobia in desert soils. First Intl. Conf. on the release of Genetically Engineered Microorganisms. Wales, U.K.
1987 I.L. Pepper et al. Use of molecular biology to improve biological nitrogen fixation in Latin Amercia. In: Southwest Consortium of Plant & Water Resources. Tucson, AZ. May.
1990 S.D. Pillai and I.L. Pepper. Detection of bacteria in sewage sludge and soil. ASM Conference on Biotechnology, Chicago, IL. June.
Formal Courses Taught at Texas A&M University
Microbiology of Food Irradiation (POSC 489/689- FSTC 489/689).
Every other spring semester - Credits: 3 (Undergradaute/graduate-level course)
To provide students with a working knowledge of the microbiology principles underlying irradiation based destruction of microorganisms and practical experience with dosimetry. The course will also provide the students hands-on experience in using e-beam irradiation to irradiate foods. This course will be a lecture and laboratory course
Molecular Methods for Microbial Characterization (POSC 689/FSTC619/AGRO619).
Every other fall Semester Credits: 3. (Graduate level course)
To provide students, the theory and laboratory experience in the molecular detection and characterization of pathogens. The course emphasizes method application and date interpretation and will cover pathogens and indicator organisms that are of relevance to food safety and environmental microbiology. This is a lecture and laboratory course.
Professional Skills Development (FSTC 481)Fall semesters
Every fall semester. Credits: 1
To provide food science students the experience of making professional presentations, writing technical documents and obtaining the professional skills to enter the work -force
Research Training Courses
My laboratory also serves undergraduates obtain hands-on experience in microbiology research. Specifically, I offer research credits (485 credits) for independent research projects as part of their undergraduate curriculum. These research credits are offered as part of the Poultry Science Department, Microbiology, and the Genetics Program. Many of the undergraduates who are hired in my laboratory have started out in these courses.
Direction of Graduate Students
Ph.D. students
1. Sofia Lara Ramos – Food Science & Technology (started Jan 2024)
2. Isabella McGrath -Food Science & Technology (started Fall 2023)
3. James McCoy – Food Science & Technology (started fall 2020)
4. Kendall Howie – Food Science & Technology (started fall 2020)
5. Alexandra Folcik – Toxicology (expected graduation August 2021) (currently at Exponent
6. Shima Shayanfar – Food Science & Technology (graduated 2016) (currently at Herbalife Nutrition)
7. Sohini Bhatia – Poultry Science (graduated 2020) (currently at Proctor & Gamble)
8. Chandni Nair- Toxicology program (graduated 2013) (currently at Texas A&M University)
9. Charlotte Rambo -Toxicology program (graduated 2015) (currently at Lonza)
10. Grihalaksmi Kakani – Food Science & Technology (graduated 2014) (currently at Centurion University)
11. Kamlesh Soni, Food Science & Technology 2008(currently at Reed Food Technology)
12. Alexis Lazarine Nuclear Engineering. 2008 (currently at Mission Support & Test Services, LLC)
13. Ken Widmer: -Food Science & Technology. 2007 (currently at FDA, St Louis)
14. Everardo Vega: -Food Science & Technology. 2006 (currently at CDC, Atlanta)
15. Lu Lingeng:–Food Science & Technology. 2004 (currently at Yale University)
16. Jack McReynolds; - Poultry Science. (Co-chair). 2003 (currently AGL Technology)
17. Janet L. Bader, Geological Sciences – UT El Paso 1997 (Co-chair) (currently American Public University System)
1. Shivani Khataokar- Master of Biotechnology
2. Sai Koushik – Master of Biotechnology
3. Neha Wavare-Master of Biotechnology
4. John Sullivan –Food Science & Technology (started fall 2015)
5. Ben O’Neil – Food Science & Technology (started fall 2015)
6. Adrienne Ortega-Food Science & Technology (started spring 2015)
7. Lindsay Ward – Food Science & Technology (started fall 2014)
8. James McCoy –Food Science & Technology (started fall 2013)
9. David Prince – Food Science & Technology, 2013
10. Rashmi Shetti- Master of Biotechnology, 2013
11. Geddy Hamblen-Master of Biotechnology, 2013
12. Yamini Tare-Master of Biotechnology, 2013
13. Carolina Corkill- Food Science & Technology 2013
14. Bianca Smith- Food Science & Technology 2013
15. Katherine McElhany- Food Science & Technology 2010
16. Karan Kohli – Master of Biotechnology 2010
17. Shristee Arora – Master of Biotechnology 2009
18. Poornima Murthi – Master of Biotechnology 2009
19. Oluwafunmike Owolabi Master of Biotechnology 2009
20. Kirthiram Sivakumar Master of Biotechnology 2009
21. Deepa Putuvakkat – Master of Biotechnology –2007
22. Taizoon Khokhar – Master of Biotechnology – 2007
23. Poonam Jaiswall – Master of Biotechnology – 2007
24. Harshawardhan Banda – Master of Biotechnology –2007
25. Taizoon Khokhar –Master of Biotechnology 2007
26. Josh Calcote – Master of Biotechnology 2006
27. Mukta Maan – Master of Biotechnology 2006
28. Kamlesh Soni, Food Science & Technology 2005
29. Reema Singh, Food Science & Technology
30. Matthew Roe: Food Science & Technology. 2002 (currently at Texas Tech University)
31. Chandni Nair -Food Science & Technology 2009
32. Wyndi McElroy: Biology UT El Paso, 2002 (Co-Chair)
33. Scot E. Dowd, Biology-UT El Paso 1996 (Co-Chair)
34. Robert E. Nze, Biology- UT El Paso, 1996 (Co-Chair)
Member of Graduate Student Committees
Joana Rocha. Ph.D. Biomedical Sciences (continuing)
Jen-Huang (Tony) Huang Ph.D. Chemical Engineering (graduated)
Jasjeet Kaur, Ph.D. Water program (continuing)
James Totten, Ph.D. Water program (continuing)
Ram Mohan Uckoo – Ph.D Horticulture 2012
Jose Perez – Ph.D. Horticulture (continuing)
Tara Price – Ph.D. Nutrition (continuing)
Sedat Cam – Ph.D. Marine biology (continuing)
Manjunath Hegde – Ph.D. Chemical Engineering
Jen-Huang (Tony) Huang Ph.D. Chemical Engineering
Ying Wang – Ph.D. Poultry Science 2012
Kelly Gamble – Poultry Science
Amit Vikram – Ph.D.- Horticulture
Derek L. Englert – M.S. Chemical Engineering
Deepthi Mikkili, Master of Biotechnology
Shazia Shaik – Master of Biotechnology
Claudia Aguillon –Master of Biotechnology
Bradley Green – Master of Biotechnology 2008
Erin Fiero . MS. Rangeland and Ecosystems Management - 2013
Vasile Hrihorisan – Ph.D. student (TAMU –Nutrition)
Sam Chiang – Ph.D. student (TAMU – Poultry Science )
Ashwin Balasubramaniam – Ph.D. student (TAMU – Mechanical Engg)
Walid Alali – Ph.D. student (TAMU Epidemiology)
Vasile Hrihorisan – M.S. Poultry Science POSC 2008
Harikishore Kandula-Master of Biotechnology 2008
David Stovall –MBIOT 2008
Srinivas Neralla – MS student (TAMU Mechanical Engg) graduated 2005
Robyn McGilloway-Ph.D. student (TAMU, Soil & Crop Science) 2002
Angie Chang: M.S. student-Program Program in Biotechnology. TAMU 2001-2002
Ken G. Maciorowski-Ph.D. student (TAMU, Poultry Science) 2000
Young Min Kwon-Ph.D. student (TAMU,Poultry Science ) 2001
Srinivasan Neralla-Ph.D. (TAMU, Soil and Crop Sciences) 1999
Jason Vogel, MS (TAMU, Agricultural Engineering) 1997
Guan Huade: M.S. (UTEP) 2001
Ken Widmer: M.S. (NMSU): 2000
Post-Doctoral Scientists and Visiting Scientists
Dr. Bo Wang -2020-2024
Dr. Satya Narayan Patel – October 2023-October 2024
Mr. Kazal Ghosh – Masters student , Univ. Saskatchewan, fall 2016
Dr. Hristina Spasevska – Professor and Vice Dean - Ss Cyril and Methodius University – Skopje Republic of Macedonia (2013)
Ms. Celia Asad- Research Scientist from Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (2012)
Ms. Haydee Solomon- Research Scientist from Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (2012)
Mr. Grezegorz Guzik – Research Scientist from Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology Warsaw, Poland (2012)
Ms. Marie Mounie – Masters student from France (2011)
Ms. Laurie Hausswirth – Masters student from France (2011)
Ms. Ana- Cecilia Espinosa – Ph.D. student UNAM – Mexico City (2008)
Mr. Luis Jose Rene Hernandez –M.S student UNAM –Mexico City (2008)
Dr. P. Gunasekaran – Department Head, Genetics –Madurai Kamaraj Univ, India (2007)
Ms. Reka Agoston –Ph.D. student – Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary (2007)
Dr. Bob Reimers – Jan 2005-Aug 2005 –visiting professor from Tulane University
Ms. Liliana Matimoto. Aug 2004-Dec 2004 (visiting student from Brazil)
Ms. Maria Elena-Olvera. June 2004. (visiting graduate student from Monterrey Tech, Mexico)
Dr. Palmy Jesudhasan. (post-doctoral research associate) February 2004 - 2012
Dr. Erhan Ic: June 2002 – December 2002 (visiting scientist from Turkish Atomic Energy Agency
Dr. Seema Endley: May 2000- December 2002 (post-doctoral research associate)
Dr. Armando Varela : 1997-1999 (post-doctoral research associate)
Dr. Humberto Avila: 6/94- 8/94 (visiting scientist from Universidad del Estado de Durango, Mexico)
Dr. Marisa Mazari: Nov 1995. (visiting scientist from the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico)
Honors and Awards Received by students since 2000
2015 Harshad Ugamraj –TAMU Biotechnology Program Outstanding Graduate Student Award
2015 Daniel Ochoa-TAMU Undergraduate Research Scholar
2015 Luis Valencia, Jr. –TAMU Undergraduate Research Scholar
2015 Sohini Bhatia –TAMU Undergraduate Research Scholar
2015 Emma Link –TAMU Undergraduate Research Scholar
2015 Rachel Komorek –TAMU Undergraduate Research Scholar
2014 Shima Shayanfar, Outstanding Graduate Student Award, Nutrition and Food Science Dept, TAMU
2014 Shima Shayanfar, General Mills-IFT Feeding Tomorrow Graduate Scholarship
2013 Chandni Praveen, Best presentation. Toxicology Graduate program competition.
2011 Ali Haselhorst, Nutrition, TAMU Undergraduate Research Scholar
2008 Katherine McElhany (undergraduate student). 1st Prize. Research Week-TAMU
2007 Suneil Mohan (Ph.D. student) 2nd place. Research Week TAMU
2006 Ken Widmer (Ph.D. student) FSTC Travel Award. June
2006 Everardo Vega (Ph.D. student) FSTC Travel Award. June
2006 Kamlesh Soni (Ph.D. student) FSTC Academic Excellence Scholarship. June
2006 Sara Mittasch (B.S. student). Awarded American Society for Microbiology Undergraduate Research Fellowship for work on viable but unculturable E.coli.
2006 Nick Garcia (B.S. student): First place in the undergraduate student category for work on irradiation of viruses on cantaloupes
2006 Sara Mittasch (B.S. student); Second place in the undergraduate student categeory for work on inactivation of spores on space craft components using electron beam technology
2005 Kamlesh Soni (M.S. student): Student travel award by the Food Science & Technology Faculty to present his work at the American Society for Microbiology meetings in Atlanta
2005 Alejandra Klauer (undergrad student) ; 2nd place (undergrad) Research Week –Texas A&M University
2005 Ever Vega (Ph.D. student): 2nd place ( graduate student) Research Week - Texas A&M University
2005 Ken Widmer (Ph.D student): 3nd place (graduate student) Research Week –Texas A&M University
2004 Ken Widmer (Ph.D student): Student Travel Award by the Food Science & Technology Faculty to present his work at the American Society for Microbiology meetings in New Orleans
2004 Everardo Vega (Ph.D. student): Student Travel Award by the Food Science & Technology Faculty to present his work at the American Society for Microbiology meetings in New Orleans
2004 Robert Spence (undergraduate student): First place Award for Undergraduate Research poster presentation. Texas A&M University Agriculture Program Conference. January
2004 Kenneth Widmer (Ph.D. student) Honorable Mention for Graduate Research Poster. . Texas A&M University Agriculture Program Conference. January
2003 Lu Lingeng (Ph.D. student): Student Travel Award by the American Society for Microbiology to present his work on bacterial quorum sensing and sub-therapeutic antibiotic exposure at the Annual Meetings
2003 Lu Lingeng (Ph.D student): Awarded the Tom Slick Graduate Fellowship by the Texas A&M University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
2002 Isabel Espinosa (B.S student): Awarded 1st place among undergraduate students for her poster presentation related to “Coliphages as indicators of the impact of poultry wastes on the environment” during the Student Research Week at Texas A&M University
2002 Everardo Vega (Ph.D. student): Awarded a Graduate Student Research Fellowship by NASA for his doctoral research on the “Factors controlling calicivirus attachment to lettuce”
2000 Erica Rayburn (B.S. student): Awarded 2nd place for her poster presentation related to the microbiological quality of irrigation waters along the Texas-Mexico border at the Ag. Program Conference at Texas A&M University
Direction of Undergraduate Students
1. Alyssa Kubesch (BIOL) 2024-
2. Zainab Khan (BIMS) 2023-
3. Pouya Saneii (PLPM) 2024-
4. Sinead Izediuno (FSTC) 2024-
5. Matthew Stinebaker (FSTC) 2024-
6. Srivatsav Ampojwalam (2019-) systematic review article on links between intestinal microbiome and criminal/aggressive behavior
7. Michael Young (2019-) systematic review article on the links between intestinal microbiome and criminal/aggressive behavior
8. Shelby Ruggles (2019-)- Screening antibiotic markers in commercial probiotic preparations
9. Emily Brorman (2018-)- Will eBeam inactivated microbial pathogens produce defective toxins?
10. Alyssa Schwanke (2016) – eBeam inactivation of pathogens in pet food/lab coordination
11. Rodney O’Neil (2015) –eBeam inactivation of Salmonella in magoes
12. Emma Link (2014)-estrogenic activity as influenced by e-beam irradiation
13. Rachel Komorek (2014-) estrogenic activity in wastewater effluents
14. Daniel Ochoa (2015-) e-beam and the brewing industry
15. Sohini Bhatia (2014-) space foods and e-beam technology
16. Luis Valencia (2013-2014)- Shelf life extension of fresh produce using eBeam technology
17. Amanda Robertson (2014) – Viable but non culturable status of toxigenic E.coli after eBeam radiation stress
18. Lindsay Ward (2014) – Viable but non culturable status of toxigenic E.coli after lactic acid washes
19. Whitney Brady (1/2004- 5/2004 and 9/2004-): Characterization of integron sequences in microbial community DNA samples from poultry processing plants
20. Nick Garcia (9/2004-): Virus attachment to lettuce leaves
21. James Ripps (6/2004): Microfluidic device to capture and concentrate microorganisms
22. Jessica Cardenas (2003-2005 ): Biotic and abiotic factors influencing enteric virus attachment to plant surfaces: Salmonella isolation method optimization
23. Robert Spence (2003-2004): Use of modified zeolites to improve drinking water quality in broiler houses
24. Leroy Cortinas (2003): Antibiotic resistance development in broiler chicks during sub-therapeutic antibiotic administration
25. Isabel Espinosa (2001-2003): Detection and characterization of bacteriophages in poultry house related bioaerosols
26. Erin Johnson (2002-2003): Cell culture analysis for enteric viruses in groundwater samples
27. Humberto Villareal (2003): Groundwater transport of microbial pathogens.
28. Andrea Hoffman (2002-2003): She was involved in a variety of microbiology tasks in the laboratory ranging from making media to performing hands-on plating experiments and serial dilutions for samples.
29. Patrick Connelly (2002): Genetic characterization of integron sequences in enteric bacteria
30. Erica Rayburn: (2002) Occurrence of pathogens in irrigation water
31. Crystal Haas: (2002) Development of TaqMan probe based Salmonella detection in food and environmental samples
32. Anne Lang: (2002) Comparison of chemical and biological indicators of fecal contamination
33. Suzette Seng: (2002) Antibiotic resistance patterns of Salmonella from vegetable growing areas
34. Catherine Santos (2001): Antibiotic resistance profiles of E.coli isolates from vegetable growing areas.
35. Alison Smith: (2000-2001):
36. Wendy Watson (2000-2001)
37. Allyson Herseim: (2000-2001) Coliphage extraction and enumeration methods
38. Jeff McDaniel: (2000-2001) DNA fingerprinting of bacteria
39. Amy Obenhaus (spring 2000): Coliphages in poultry litter and tray box liners
40. Rodney Saenz (summer, 2000): Salmonella isolation and fingerprinting of isolates
41. Randy Valenzuela (spring 1997-1998). Molecular mechanisms of viral inactivation.
42. Everardo Vega (1998-1999): Virus transport within constructed wetlands
43. Elisa Camacho (1997-1999): Stability of naked RNA molecules
44. Elissette Cabello (1997-1999): Cryptosporidium isolation and detection
45. Sandra Hernandez (1998-1999): Microbial transport and retention within onsite wastewater systems
46. Scot E. Dowd (fall, 1994) Detection of gene expression in viable but non culturable bacterial cells.
47. Gabriel Gonzalez (independent Study-Fall, 1995) Bioreduction of chromate using fungi isolated from a SuperFund site.
48. Gus Zamora (Independent Study-Summer, 1997) Extraction and quantification of total RNA and mRNA from low biomass soils.
49. David Lopez (Independent Study-Summer, 1997) Occurrence of Cryptosporidium oocysts in the Rio Grande
High School/Pre-College Student Mentoring
Mentor to high school student on a 12 month environmental research internship under the El Paso Tech-Prep program
Presentation at the Summer School program-Indian Ridge Middle School, El Paso, Texas
Served as advisor to 3 local high school students for their Prize Winning microbiology project. 1994.
Elissette Cabello (El Paso Community College) -Summer 1997
Rebecca Paniagua (El Paso Community College) - Summer 1996
Alfonso Munoz (El Paso Community College) – Summer 1995
Melissa Torres (Hanks High School) –Summer 1997
Sandra Lugo (Del Valle high School) – summer 1995
Mentor to USDA High School Student Apprentice, 1995
Carlos Hernandez (Hanks High School) –Summer 1995
Edgar Rubio (Del Valle High School) – Summer 1994
Edgar Martinez (Del Valle high School) – summer 1993